Lori Tecler

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Lori Tecler


Elementary school library media specialist; goldendoodle mom; DC area sports fan; proud University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate
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Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
In FELIX POWELL, BOY DOG by @erinentrada.bsky.social, Felix finds himself turned into a dog & has a day of adventure w/his own dog, Puppins. Will he be able get the neighborhood snarky stray cat to give him the help he needs to return to boy form? A joyful celebration of imagination! #kidlit #mglit
In THE THIRTEENTH CIRCLE by MarcyKate Connolly & @kathrynholmes.bsky.social, Dani & Cat are paired up for a science project. As they investigate competing hypotheses about crop circles, they realize that despite their differing beliefs about the cause, something strange is indeed going on! #mglit
In PENNY DRAWS A CLASS TRIP by Sara Shepard, Penny's anxiety about a trip to NYC kicks in before the trip. She tries to manage worries while experiencing the excitement of the trip & negotiating relationships w/classmates. Journal format & doodle art keep action moving & make for a fun read. #mglit
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THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE DAY is a picturebook about Vlad, a young vampire who has trouble falling asleep because scary day ☀ time noises keep him up. Also features his vampire mama who does her best to reassure Vlad (and get him to sleep, so she can too 😅)
You can also use the B&N sale to preorder THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE DAY! www.barnesandnoble.com/w/things-tha... #books
Thanks to @katemessner.bsky.social for a preview of OVER AND UNDER THE WETLAND w/art by @csneal.bsky.social. Fascinating exploration of the magical world of the Florida Everglades draws attention to animals & plants we see & hear—and sheds light on those we may not notice at 1st glance. #kidlit
In THE BIG SQUEEZE by @mollyharris.bsky.social w/art by Alison Hawkins, a kitchen sponge cleans up everyone else’s messes until finally reaching a breaking point. Relatable & important message for readers of all ages about self care delivered w/snappy rhymes & fun illustrations. #kidlit 📚👍
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💻 Join us July 24th-27th for the 3rd annual “Back -To-School #BossLibrarianPD.” Enjoy #FREE presentations for and by #schoollibrarians. Register today: tinyurl.com/BossLibrarianPD
In Alison McGhee's TELEPHONE OF THE TREE, while Ayla longs for her best friend to return, a phone appears in the branches of a tree. She listens as neighbors use it to talk to those they've lost. Will the phone help her connect to her friend again? Beautifully written book about complexity of grief.
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To those new to Bluesky: If you're not already, I recommend following Brian Kirby aka @boringstorybook.com. He's posting SO many great tips, including this post explaining LISTS, FEEDS, & STARTER PACKS. Also be sure to check out his Feeds, Starter Packs, & Lists (see tabs on his profile)! #KidLit
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I gave some plain papier-mâché book shaped boxes an upgrade w/ acrylic paint & bold vinyl lettering to make new decor for my media center! I promise the letters are all the same navy blue color, even though it doesn’t look like it in the photo. #schoollibrarian #schoollibrary
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THE AMAZING POWER OF GIRLS by @msmarianayagam.bsky.social w/art by Skylar White merges basic physics concepts w/a joyful celebration of the power of girls. Its many layers make the book interesting & accessible to a variety of readers. Love how it centers both STEM content & girls! #kidlit 📚👍
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7/10/24 @7pm "Great Books to Order for September" Swap Meet! Share great reads others might want to consider for their school libraries! Folks at this webinar will have the chance to WIN some great books! Open to all school librarians! Register: bit.ly/JUL2024GREATBO…
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Hey! I'm doing a giveaway for a signed copy of AVA LIN, BEST FRIEND! in my newsletter but there are not a lot of entries yet, so if you want a chance to win, subscribe and like this post: bit.ly/3LbdpCx I do giveaways every month, plus book news and activities.
A Cover Reveal! & Book Tour Pics!bit.ly My upcoming cover, photos from my summer book events, and Litapalooza details!
In THE THINGS WE MISS by Leah Stecher, J.P. finds a door in a treehouse that lets her “skip” ahead in time. It's amazing at first, but her absence impacts school, friendships, & relationships w/ her family, forcing her to evaluate consequences of avoiding tough situations in her life. #mglit
I'm trying something new this year to build interest in our state's book awards program--creating a gamified module in Canvas. Students read & submit a review of a nominated book, then get a digital badge. Still working out the details, but I think I have something! #schoollibrarian #mglit #kidlit
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If you loved THE DEEP! by Lindsey Leigh, don't miss THE DARK! Focusing on the fascinating world of cave creatures & how they have adapted to their environment, this one is just as fact filled, fabulously illustrated, & funny. Great nonfiction read! #kidlit 📚👍
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Happy to share that Indigo has included AMY WU & THE LANTERN FESTIVAL (Amy Wu book 5) in their Most Anticipated Canadian Books promo! You can preorder it at 25% off, now till Jul 7th! www.indigo.ca/en-ca/amy-wu... #kidlit
In Sally J. Pla's INVISIBLE ISABEL, Isabel gets stomach aches caused by “worry-moths” fluttering in her stomach. A health crisis finally helps her get what she needs to calm her anxieties. Tackles complex content of neurodiversity & anxiety in a way that's accessible for middle grade readers. #mglit
I couldn’t resist picking up a little bit of new decor for my media center space! #schoollibrary #schoollibrarian
In FAKER by Gordon Korman, after acting as his con artist dad's partner, Trey reconsiders his feelings about his dad's choices. With its depiction of the main character grappling with a big ethical dilemma, this clever & engaging book gives readers lots to think about & enjoy. #mglit 📚👍
ACROSS SO MANY SEAS by Ruth Behar is powerful & moving historical fiction. Follows 4 girls from different generations of a family of Sephardic Jews over 500 years, starting w/exile from Spain in 1492 & ending in modern day Miami. Music, language, & tradition both anchor & tie the stories together.
THE COOKIE CRUMBLES by @tracybadua.bsky.social & @alechiadow.bsky.social features a best friend duo who are embroiled in a mystery after a celebrity judge is poisoned in a baking competition gone wrong. Food, friends, & fierce competition make this middle grade mystery a winner! #mglit #kidlit 📚👍
Excited & honored to share that my school has been selected as a winner of the Belonging Through Books program. Thanks to TeachAAPI & Scholastic we will receive 500 books to refresh our media center collection! #schoollibrary #schoollibrarian #librarian
SIGNS OF HOPE by Mara Rockliff w/art by Melissa Sweet introduced me to the story of the amazing artist Sister Corita Kent. With its vibrant cover, I know our readers will be drawn to the book, especially my group of biography fans. I plan to use it to inspire art in our makerspace. #kidlit 📚👍🏻
In SUMMER AT SQUEE by @andreaywang.bsky.social, Phoenny is excited about summer w/her squad at a Chinese culture focused sleepaway camp, but clashes w/newcomers not as excited to be there. Focus on friendship, exploration of identity & Chinese culture, & typical camp hi-jinks make a fun summer read.
In FAKE CHINESE SOUNDS by Jing Jing Tsong, a visit from her Taiwanese grandmother leads Mei Ying to a deeper understanding of her heritage & more awareness of the microaggressions she experiences. Identity & finding your voice are at the center of this engaging graphic novel. #mglit 📚👍