
The amount of denial I’m seeing today…look, we can agree that Biden is the best option of the two before us without pretending that he did a good job last night. We all saw what we saw.
1. He did a really poor job at the debate. 2. He got better as the night went on, but that doesn’t change the narrative. 3. He’s still the best option by several long country miles. 4. Debates have very little predictive value on the general election. 5. It’s still June for crying out loud.
It’s July ON MONDAY. We can’t pick a new nominee! BFFRRN and yeah…he sucked last night. He sucks sometimes generally. STILL This is a life and death choice. And the choice is not perfect health or death, it is death or a chronic illness and you can afford the treatment
Feels like gaslighting. I'll vote for him and even donate, but I'm not gonna pretend it's all good.
It’d be great if we had a better quarterback but we all should emphasize that running the government is a team sport and which team is doing it is a lot more important than which old has-been is napping in the locker room.
My hope is this was the wake-up call that should have had a younger candidate long before this. Octogenarians have NO valid reason to lead this nation under "other" circumstances. Humanity depends on THIS election, though. And thus, we also need to push forward, or all is lost.
He had some good *moments* but it would be silly to pretend it was a good night. And while I'd 100% rather my rights be in his hands than Trump's, I wish he could tag in Kamala for every abortion question from here until eternity.