
Today's Low Quality Facts are brought to you by this passport holder. I'd advise everyone to make sure their passport is somewhere safe in case they need to flee the country, since apparently the president can now just decide to have you killed for no apparent reason.
Can the president still officially label you as a terrorist and have you killed in another country? Maybe. But is it harder for the assassins to find you deep in the heart of the Bolivian rainforest? I'd like to think so.
He could have your plane shot down as you attempt to flee. Also for no apparent reason.
Nature has a way for irony...and reminds me what happens when people break into the The Dead Zone... Also happens for no apparent humanly understandable reason...
- Not only that. After the deed has been done, he can also boast about it on ralleyes with the "silent majority" and relish in their hooting applause. Stone age with entertainment electronics.