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❄️🦊🎧 Strong advocate of positivity! ❄️🦊🎧
Twitch Partner!
Banner: kippycube

pfp: megasarts

part-time Content Creator!
Working on a new set ^^ Excuse the messy desk :P
I came out to my mom, she said that I should've talked to her about this a long time ago As she left our house, she called me miss from the door I am in tears I still have a mother I never thought she'd still love me, but she does I don't have to hide anymore!
Reposted byAvatar LunaVixi
Where was I last weekend? Well at the Furality umbra ofc :3 With these beans: #vrchat #furry #furality (I'm the second last on the right side of the picture with my Avali)
Reposted byAvatar LunaVixi
Live in about 45 mins! Today we are doing a community FREE ART day! We'll be raffling off a bunch of Pride YCHs to do up on stream for a full 3 hours today. In addition to this community event, we are also a part of 's PRIDE RAID TRAIN! See ya then!
Sometimes being on social media is balancing between how normal do you want to appear vs. how much of a slut you really are
didn't think an AI could be gender reaffirming but this one sure is ^.^
I fell asleep and just woke up, so much for that stream :/ I've been so tired this week it's insane, work is kicking my butt with so many different things and I have to keep trying to be on top of everything Sorry :(
Doggo wanted out at 5 in the morning, I am so... so... so very tired omg
Sheesh, we had to buy a second AC to cool the house down from 28c to 24, and I brought it up the stairs, and ever since then my pinky's been going numb randomly... I think I pinched a nerve bringing that thing up, was a light 40kg (88pounds) and only had the cardboard handles :/
Scary spooky maps in VRchat today! Starting in about 30 or so minutes ^.^ See you there, screams will follow :D
Reposted byAvatar LunaVixi
Threat or opportunity? That's the question with the notifications I get... Sorry for the low-battery drama and a huge thanks for the airport ride! Next up: Malmö and #NFC
I hope everyone has a wonderful valentines day Remember, in Finland today is called "Friends day" So even if you don't have a valentine today, you can always just appreciate your friends and tell them how much they mean to you ^.^ I love all of you!
Whoa! They're finally here and OMG they're nice! The print looks really nice on the shiny fabric and the colors are so very nice!
Poggers new microwave :P Also poggers new sticker And a poggers GF holding up the blanket to hide the none poggers crap on the bar ^.^
my dog has the funniest expressions so fearsome
A really cool picture taken by Showing off a new outfit yet to be seen on a stream! That changes tomorrow though! ^^
I am reminded of how good this years start has actually been, sure, I've been scared, nervous and even overwhelmed by work and other things, but over all, this is probably one of the best starts to a year I've ever had!
This week is my first week back to work from being on a holiday it was supposed to be semi chill it's not It's only the 4th day and I already feel like I need another vacation
Microwave resigned it self yesterday, tried to heat something up in it, and instead it arced across the inside of it self and scared the shit out of me :D
Second day as me at work and it's going way better than I ever imagined it could go, I've only heard my dead name a few times and every time it's been quickly corrected to the right name My customers are absolute sweethearts, my company is amazing I can finally be me
Been a bit quiet here, but I guess I've been a bit quiet everywhere I was off of work for 2 weeks and I sort of took a break from not just work but also from Social media Now I'm back, so wooo! Love you all ^^
Today’s the day… coming out to the whole company. I’m terrified to send that email. After today I’ll be my self at work but will ppl actually accept me as me or just, not Scared
A couple of days ago I was at a restaurant, it was a friends birthday and like always I was out as me. I had makeup on, nails done and was pretty confident about my self I got called a Sir by a waiter, and it hit me like a hammer, I had actually put in an effort and still "Sir"
Why is it that mornings are so tiring, I am so exhausted. This is the second morning this week where I am just completely wiped out. Struggling so hard to even keep my eyes open, good lord
Reposted byAvatar LunaVixi
Morning starts with Coffee, Vitamins, Anti-histamines and Anti-Cistamines :P Can't believe that it's been almost... 5 months since I started HRT, it's a while ^^
3 weeks from now, my name at work will be my own and not the dead name people still use It'll be... a LONG while before everyone actually uses it, and I'm expecting some people to never get accustomed to it, or outright just reject it Either way, it's gonna happen, and I can finally be my self ^.^
Reposted byAvatar LunaVixi
update 3 of the party! is laughing at what is happening in update 2, has found he's grabbed the wrong pizza form the kitchen meanwhile is letting in and
Reposted byAvatar LunaVixi
couldnt pass up the chance to use one of these bases by to make a goofy emote for !
The amount of things I've decided to cut back on in the last few months are vast I have nearly 0 subscription fees at all, I've cancelled just about everything, including Discord and all my art programs and even my DJ software to save as much money as I can feels strange