Milton Brown

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Milton Brown

Retired IT Professional. Medieval Local Economic History and Naval/Maritime History. Papa to Eleanor & Charles.
2 weeks ago I had a CT scan. They found a mass in my right kidney. I have a 2nd appt with a urologist tomorrow, an ultrasound and labs on Friday, & a biopsy on Monday. I should know by the 15th if it’s malignant. And I have a cold. I tested for Covid and am negative. Just a head cold. Bleh
I stumbled across a video showing the American Air Museum at IWM Duxford. I went ”I don’t remember that.” I then started counting up the years since I had last been to Duxford. 1,2,3,4, . . . 28, 29, 30, 31. Oh my. It now goes on the list of must-dos the next visit to the UK.
At the grocery store and I see fresh blueberries. Tell my wife that I would like to try making blueberry muffins. She immediately headed to the cake mix aisle and grabbed a blueberry muffin mix. So they are in the oven right now. One day they’ll be from scratch!
Have you ever been so invested in the characters in a series of novels that you are actually angry that the series ended? Or am l the only weird one?
If Republicans vote “Present” it lowers the number of votes needed to be elected Speaker. Currently there are 433 Representatives. If 10 Republicans vote Present it lowers the number of countable votes to 423. The number of votes needed for Speaker? 212. The exact # of Democrats in the House. Hmm
Avatar Here’s the most ridiculous use of dazzle I’ve seen. USS K-1 in WW1. Thought you would appreciate the wackiness.
Economic activity in the Middle Ages is also about a man buying 1d of nails in Grantham as it is a Venetian merchant buying £100 of wool from Crowland Abby.
I went to my LinkedIn account and changed the header to “I’m Retired. Don’t bother me”
I did it. I downloaded the archive of my Twitter history and deleted my account. I still mourn the community that was, but realize can never be again. Off to new adventures and new communities.
Hello all, I am new here. Just hoping to find my history peeps and have a calm (and maybe playful) social media experience. Thanks for reading.
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