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annoying bad poster
Reposted byAvatar pauline
OO GIRL I DONT WANT TO DO ANY OF MY TASKS TODAY domestic nor professional
Reposted byAvatar pauline
bsky should have virtual creatures. bsky should have digital toys and items for the creatures. bsky should have games you can play with your creatures. bsky should have a battledome where a users creatures can fight other users creatures in tests of strength. bsky should let you dress up your creatu
Reposted byAvatar pauline
If you add this labeller: You will see little pronoun tags above people's posts if they are also subscribed. No more accidental slip ups! You can then set your pronouns, or set it to "check profile" (I don't see the value in that personally but to each xir own)
Reposted byAvatar pauline
For the best results, follow instructions carefully when maintaining your Macintosh.
developing an Interest in local industrial site rehabilitation
IF it is more than 80 degrees this evening i will wear a swimsuit on my walk and go swimming in the river
i want to buy a new swimsuit but i keep spending so much money lol
after spending months working on The Document and being told it was confusing, unusable, would never work, unreadable, provided The Document to the team & the team's feedback was, holy shit, how long did this take you, it's so detailed and thorough
i'm considering becoming a collector of north korean stamps because i just found out that's a thing i can do and it sounds so cool
i shouldnt have to do my work but i should get paid anyway
can the things i want to buy stop being $200 please
meetings... meetings never changes
I watched we're all going to the world's fair and i didn't like it and now i'm watching i saw the tv glow and so far i don't really like it
just fyi in case you haven't been told this, as i wasn't, the mirena IUD used to be replaced every 5 years but it's now good up to 8 years and my doctor said they may even extend it to 10. so if you've been thinking about getting an IUD it'd probably be good to do it, like, now
Short walk today but this chipmunk let me get weirdly close to it
Crushed a hogweed seed between my finger and thumb, freaked out upon realizing it was hogweed, reduced my freakout level upon realizing it was almost certainly common hogweed and not giant hogweed
i got a cookbook that said, it's a good idea to put chili crisp and ssamjang into jarred pasta sauce. and you know what? it is a good idea.
doing my little tasks today with like 15% of my mental energy because the rest is thinking about going for a walk
Reposted byAvatar pauline
'the worst people in the world are going to be annoying about this' yeah. like they are every day. get a grip
Gave my adventure buddy a new earring
i hate it when i get fed into a meat grinder
i Want a cheeky little 8pm coffee so bad.
Reposted byAvatar pauline
Today a bold new accomplishment in Posting: a Something Awful user eats a 100,000 hour probation and immediately resumes the conversation they were having, without acknowledging the intervening eleven and four-tenths years.
literally can't stop thinking about the next time i get to go on a nice long walk
i'm so excited about the new trail by my house that i can't stop thinking about it. i keep reading all the plans and proposals for it and the whole project. it used to just be an overgrown railroad track next to a stinky polluted river but i loved it then too
Reposted byAvatar pauline
i hope the shitty flats i've been walking in don't fuck up my feet or legs before my new walking shoes arrive