
osita nwanevu giving me hope & joy today
a helpful concrete reminder re: rising fascism and Project 2025 is that fascist movements always require a strong charismatic leader and Trump is an unwell old man. they do not have a backup.
Those movements also almost never CAN have a backup, because the Leader is inevitably a paranoid maniac who's terrified of being killed by whoever he groomed as a replacement.
This is why Don Jr just has like a podcast.
Yeah my only ray of hope is that all the guys who were like We gotta watch him, he's like Trump but smart and capable, ended up like…remembr Tom Cotton? Turns out they're only smart and capable compared to America's median boat dealer.
The right-wingers my age and younger, who boiled their brains on 4chan and who are eventually going to try passing the Make Lara Croft's Chin Less Woke Act, aren't doing much better. So we got that going for us.
Right! Everyone always compares Jan 6 to the beerhall putsch but Hitler was, like, 34 years old during the putsch. It's a pretty important difference.
This echoes my thoughts pretty closely
"...The Democratic party is best understood less as a political party organized to enact or protect specific policies than as a professional association committed to protecting its most valued members." A page from my own mind.