
Analysis by Aaron Blake | Biden’s campaign insists dropping out of the race is not on the table. But increasingly, what top Democrats appear to be saying is: Maybe he should. The subtext is clear — and it’s a marked contrast to how the Biden campaign is talking about this.
Analysis | A shift in how Democrats talk about Biden’s dropping The subtext of what leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn are saying is clear — and it’s a marked contrast to how the Biden campaign is talking about this.
Somebody said the emperor is butt ass naked and the dam broke
More than likely that internal polling started getting passed around and everybody realized that Biden was going to drag all the down-ballot races down with him.
This seems even more correct today. Reps calling for him to drop out are being explicit about the downballot implications.
Senator Mark Warner is also gathering a group of senators to do a similar thing. The down ballot polling must be absolutely terrible.