Maddie Cannon

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Maddie Cannon

GNET Project Manager struggling to come to terms with using yet another social media platform | far-right, radicalisation, gender and youth | oh and also baked goods.
Might as well post on here too, for what it's worth (to my 37 followers)! Pleased to share my latest GNET Insight on the harms faced by extremism researchers and the need for greater institutional responsibility and improved safeguarding practices.
Can’t Stand the Heat?: Best Practices and Institutional Responsibilities to Safeguard Extremism
In light of the Geert Wilders hellscape, would it be worth trying to publish a short-form version of an essay I wrote (and was extremely proud of) on the affective politics of the Dutch populist radical right? This was in 2019, so might be slightly dated, but all the sentiments are likely the same.
End of feed.