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I've done a thing. I finally went and had the ink work done. :) I feel super special to have gotten the blessing of to get it. :) I am totally in love with it. The belt pouch will be getting the badge of my medieval household. And, yeh. I LOVE IT.
Reposted byAvatar MagMacD
Our son, offended by Elon’s claims to be autistic, says he merely has “Xperger’s syndrome”, not autism.
Reposted byAvatar MagMacD
Reposted byAvatar MagMacD
Reposted byAvatar MagMacD
If you want there to be F&SF fiction mags, we need to do something now, while Amazon is removing their support. Check out one mag's website today and support them, if you have the means. Or just RT this if you can't, because the situation is pretty dire.
Love this quote that they give "What would be great is to collect all the myths that exist about me, because maybe they’re more interesting than my life!"
"But you cannot say that classical music isn’t music, or that popular music isn’t music, or that the bolero is not, but the cha-cha is. I believe that they’re all human expressions of great value..."
Pic from reddit. It took me to figure out what the critter was than is reasonable. Yehhhh.... Echoes of "The Hollow Places"
End of feed.