Maikel Yarimizu

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Maikel Yarimizu

Living, writing, and gaming in Japan
RPGamer resident Japan-dude
Happy father of two
Always in the middle of a #writing project of some sort
Another stream for 's #JRPGJuly going through chapters powered by a little bit of grinding. Having just stopped before the next boss we jump at it again in the hope of finishing the game this month. Watch me here:
One of these weeks I'll remember to do a #selfpromosaturday on time Must be making up for the weekly old-site grind >_<; Anyhoo, this week's showcase is ep.3, "Princesses Don't Play Nice"
It's #selfpromosaturday again, so this time we have episode #3 of Princesses of the Pizza Parlor, "Princesses Don't Play Nice"
It's live!! Hobby Farm Hootenanny has launched!! It's PWYW!! Until the 24th, any money it makes over 5 dillars goes to Queer Farmer Network!! After which it's 50/50 to Queer Farmer Network and my own Farm Fund!! Check out my newest TTRPG here:
Recently announced new game coming to my itch soon, over on my Twitter. Hobby Farm Hootenanny will be a PWYW MicroRPG of Barnyard Shenanigans raising money for both Queer Farmer Network and my own farm fund. Launching later this week! ✨️ 🎲👩‍🌾🪕🐷🪿🐮🐰🌻🌾🏳️‍⚧️
Hobby Farm Hootenanny by
As usual, a little late to #selfpromosaturday, but I'm happy to say that someone got a copy of episode 2, so I'm already ahead of last month's sales :) By lovely coincidence, that's also the episode I'm showcasing this week
Oops, almost forgot it was #selfpromosaturday once more Here's hoping the TTRPG community continues to grow under bluer skies, so we can all enjoy our weekends As for me, this weekend I'm promoting the 2nd episode in the Princesses of the Pizza Parlor series
RIP my latest little ballpoint pen, the last of its pack You did well, little pen Now to buy another ten-pack from Daiso
It's the last #selfpromosaturday of the month and sales are... Well, there's been a sale, at least Singular It was for this episode of the Pizza Princesses: So maybe check and see what the (minimal amount of) fuss is about?
It's a new month and a new #selfpromosaturday! Time to start back at the beginning with episode 1: Princesses Don't Do Summer School
It's rainy season now, but #selfpromosaturday endures We've reached the end of the Pizza Princess promo cycle (until I publish the next few episodes), so here's one with a bit of personal connection to it
Back for a new year of #selfpromosaturday and a new story to show for it! In and out of game, it's all girls trying to impress girls Results may vary, but they'll definitely be entertaining
Oh my frickin' pantheons... I'm getting flashbacks to 2005, seeing the Minstrel Song promo videos in the store for the first time... And OCTOBER 24, WTF???
Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven – Announce Trailer – Nintendo The groundbreaking non-linear RPG Romancing SaGa 2, originally released in 1993 in Japan, makes its triumphant return in this first full remake, Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven, coming to Nintendo Switch on October 24, 2024. Save Your Empire. Defend Your Legacy. Furious that mankind has forgotten their many sacrifices, the legendary Seven Heroes have returned as villains bent on revenge. As legions of monsters swarm the world, defend your legacy across successive generations as the ruler of the Varennes Empire. To prosper and ensure longevity, an empire must be built. With a devoted Royal Court overseeing the economy, technology, city construction, and magic, you can safeguard your empire's future for your descendants. The Free-form Scenario system offers a vast array of story experiences in response to your choices, and with the Imperial Succession system, you can select your main character from many playable protagonists to cultivate and expand your legacy, passing down powers, skills, and secrets to the next generation. #RomancingSaGa2 #NintendoSwitch #NintendoDirect Visit for more info: Subscribe for more Nintendo fun: Follow Nintendo of America X/Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch:
Actually getting around to #selfpromosaturday on the day of, for once This time we have the most recent of episodes in the main story, and it's all about witches and the homes they keep May they forever be wyrd and wicked
It's the last #selfpromosaturday of the year, and the last of the Pizza Princess episodes to promote (for now) Who shall be the Wickedest Witch? There's some competition for the title.
#WiPWednesday! This month (and the next, and possibly part of August), I'm working on the third and final book in a science-fiction creature feature sort of story that's probably gone off the rails I'm 18% to the goal, measured in notebook pages used Roughly 15k wordcount
I've had a soft spot for this truculent little dood since the very first season of the anime.
STOP ✋ If you are reading this, you've reached a Pokémon check point. You're now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon. he is simply peak design
OK, the self-publishing sales report for May is as follows: Adjusting for the (admittedly awful) exchange rate... ... ... ... I received exactly one convenience store latte in royalties This is up from April, where it came to exactly one piece of candy, but still...
Is it still #selfpromosaturday? Or maybe Sunday instead? Happy June, in any case Have a story about less-than-happy gnomes and the problems they bring with them #ttrpg, #ttrpgkids, #YAFantasy
Once more #selfpromosaturday, and let it not be a boring one! To that end, we have ep.11, "The Most Boringest Gnome in the World" The moniker may not be 100% accurate
Whoops! Haven't done #selfpromosaturday in a couple weeks Let's change that Today, Princesses of the Pizza Parlor episode 10: The Cutest Harpy on the Cliffs, in which two of our heroes make a side trip while everyone else is at summer camp
It's #selfpromosaturday once again, and this week we have disarmingly adorable harpies Well, one such harpy The rest hold to far different aesthetic standards Fair is foul and fowl is fair, in the end
Grr, got all these little animal and bird pics I want to share off my phone, but first the thing starts exporting all photos in a proprietary format a few months back that requires editing to work with other stuff, and now it's JPG and MOV files that don't work with anything else? >_<; stupid phone
For #WiPWednesday, my perennial #MerMay writing project continues to be the weirdest revision history of anything I've ever done It's equal parts composition, heavy edits, and re-compilation at this point. Working my way through to the point where I probably don't have to change anything else
Oh yeah, #Selfpromosaturday What do we have to promote this week? How about a full novel's worth of summer camp #TTRPG shenanigans?
#selfpromosaturday continues once more, and this time we have Cookies and Campers, a Pizza Princess paralogue novel When life sends you to summer camp, take the game along with you
#selfpublishing sales report, May 2024! Taking into account the current exchange rate, the total comes to... ... ... ... ... ... one piece of candy seriously this one piece of candy right here which is better than nothing, I guess
My book A Guard's Refrain is now available on Amazon Kindle and Kobo. Paperbacks are still processing. Jump into this epic adventure in my series The Light of Miera with A Prelude to Light, currently FREE on Amazon Kindle
It's #WIPWednesday as well as #MerMay 1st Time to bring out the notebook with the deep-sea mermaid epic tetralogy-in-progress and work through another long section Hope to have the final book done by next year :)
4/27 is National Tell A Story Day, so here is one for the #birds It's also the tenth story in my Japanese folktale collection, available on Amazon
#selfpromosaturday! Still typing up Episode 13 of the Pizza Princesses, but thankfully this week, we're promo'ing Episode 9: "Princesses on the Lonely Isle" Magic! Mayhem! Stupendously oversize monsters! Pizza!
And before I completely pass out for the evening, it's time for #selfpromosaturday with episode 9 of Princesses of the Pizza Parlor:
#WIPWednesday status: Pizza Princesses episode 13 manuscript is done, typing now!
It's... not Saturday here right now. Think it might actually be Monday. But let's get a #selfpromosaturday post in, a little ex post facto In episode 8, it's time for a fun little sea voyage. What could possibly go wrong? (Yes, it's a long list)
It's #selfpromosaturday again, and thus time to plug the next episode of Princess of the Pizza Parlor! Ep. 8, Princesses on the Broken Sea #ttrpgkids #ttrpg
The forces are marshaled at the desk. A new school year begins.
For #selfpromosaturday... oh yeah, I need to do this >_<; "Princesses in the Darkest Depths" features a guest GM, a good ol' dungeon crawl, loss, love, and kobolds Oh, the kobolds...
It's time for the weekly #selfpromosaturday post! This time, it's for Princesses of the Pizza Parlor episode 7, "Princesses in the Darkest Depths" And if the girls had their way, they're never going into another dungeon run ever again
It's been a busy two weeks, but #selfpromosaturday is back with a double-header The Redemption of Princess Isabel (a.k.a. the Pasta stories) follows a guest character from the main Pizza Princesses episodes as she tries to be better than the mess she was on that one visit to the main game
It's #selfpromosaturday again, and I realized I'd not mentioned the side stories yet! These two come after Episodes 6 and 9, respectively There's another after Ep.10, and a 4th coming out soon!