Makarov Fairelander

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Makarov Fairelander

He/They- Poly/Pan

Tabletop gamer, Second Life menace, Tuxedo cat enthusiast.
The inside out characters in my head
The inside out characters in my head
Saw a spider in my room earlier. If it intends to stay here, it better earn it's keep by eating some of these damn ants I've been having issues with.
All of this shit is gone.
Funny how I get a warning for my statue being an inch outside of the parcel border but the neighbor across from me is allowed to have all of this that blatantly flies in the face of the land covenant. What are we doing here, Bellisseria? #SecondLife
Not me putting socks that don't have matches in a drawer I refer to as "results inconclusive"
Funny how I get a warning for my statue being an inch outside of the parcel border but the neighbor across from me is allowed to have all of this that blatantly flies in the face of the land covenant. What are we doing here, Bellisseria? #SecondLife
It amazes me how people can be in SL for 13-14 years and have absolutely no idea how to adjust their most basic settings and bitch about how laggy it is.
So Renly had to go back to the vet because he was breathing heavy and not acting like himself after getting his rabies shot. We figured he was having a bad allergic reaction and I'm sitting here trying not to freak the fuck out, shaking and trying not to cry.. 1/2
Had to take Renly to the vet this morning because he lost a lot of weight fast. Had us freaked out there for a while, but he might just be diabetic or have hyperthyroidism as a result of being a little old man. Otherwise he's in great health and loved being there.
Signed the lease on a house today. Can I get a W in the chat?
There is a special place in hell for cishet men who can't follow a set of instructions that make up less than a single complete sentence without either getting lost or straight up feigning incompetence
> Sign up for Primfeed account. > One of the first things I see is a child avatar WELL. THIS SHIT IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL.
I don't plan to ENTIRELY abandon my Flickr once Primfeed is live, but I do tend to be more active on there.
I wonder if there's anything good on TV this weekend. Some show about incest and dragons I guess.
People who spout intentionally inflammatory opinions they don’t actually believe in to make money from other people’s outrage deserve to be gatekept from fandom spaces, actually
The Terminator is an advertisement for the Winchester model 1887 lever action shotgun.
Gender affirming T-51b Power Armor
Gender affirming big fluffy skunk tail
Nearly got scammed out of 140 bucks today because some local asshole tried to take advantage of my looking for a new apartment. How's your day going, chat?
"Why do you have 3 different pump action shotgun mods in your load order?" My brother, do you know how many companies make pump action shotguns? It's like.. A lot.
TOP TEN ILLAS: 10. van 9. flot 8. gor 7. scint 6. chinch 5. tort 4. quesad 3. sarspar 2. sinsem 1. godz
The Dance would have never happened if Alicent and Rhaenyra would have come to terms with themselves, confessed their love for each other and run away to Pentos together. Just fuckin' saying.
If you've never seen Hawk the Slayer, you should probably go watch Hawk the Slayer
Saw this for the first time today. Seems legit.
" Normalize naming your child after something you love" I would like to introduce you to my son. Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition.
Downloading a mod that makes all the settlements in Fallout 4 bigger because your ambitions for building outgrew the boarders of your land.
The problem with AI and video games is that the AI is being used for the wrong things.. Imagine like Alien Isolation or Phasmophobia. But the game used machine learning to teach itself how to best scare the fuck out of you.
If you have a problem with the LGBTQ then maybe you shouldn't be on Second Life, buddy. Because I guarantee you we outnumber you.
Of course very few cute things for Pride are being made for masc presenting bodies because fuck me for wanting things, right?
Listen man, if I see you wearing Pit Viper sunglasses, I'm going to assume you probably have more than one Catalytic Converter in your garage that doesn't belong to your car.
Now that Pride is right around the corner, I'm going to start being way more annoying about how users of masculine presenting bodies and users of flat and male chest addons get screwed by allegedly "trans and nonbinary friendly" creators in Second Life.