
I've been asked to advise a local older ladies group about how to remove Meta AI from their phones. "You can't." I don't think I'll be invited back.
And it's hiking our electricity bills, destroying the planet, muddying truth and erasing trust.
I sometimes get the feeling that the whole "Freedom of Choice" thing was a con job. This is because I am old and cynical, I'm sure.
I can't see a fix to it, assist from the villains running out of money, and that evidently isn't going to happen. It's become so bad that I'm starting to think the Cybertronk might be a fat juicy worm to distract to an easy target.
An IT person from work is full of how terrible it's going to be. This doesn't help with one's Joie de vivre and all.
The AI companies have done the math(s) and determined that the most cost-effective way to make machines smarter than people is to make people dumber.
Seen to many experienced people saying how they use it to bare bones something and then they use their skills to fix it. And how is the next generation of coders, journalists, doctors etc going to be able to acquire the skills to fix it, eh? Goose meme etc.