Manton Reece

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Manton Reece

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Om Malik blogging about the Taboola deal: "Apple’s decision to strike a deal with Taboola is shocking and off-brand — so much so that I have started to question the company’s long-term commitment to good customer experience, including its ...
The new Overcast is looking good! Smooth upgrade. From Marco’s blog post: "For Overcast to have a future, it needed a modern foundation for its second decade. I’ve spent the past 18 months rebuilding most of the app with Swift, SwiftUI, Blackbird, and modern Swift concurrency."
I’ve recorded a short 2-minute video to show how we’ve updated’s editor layout for blog theme templates. Simpler, faster. You can find it on YouTube here.
My blog has probably shifted way too much to the political, but that’s how it goes in an election year. Personal blog, personal opinions. But I’ve got some new improvements to talk about this week! Starting tomorrow.
Chris Enns: "I wish we could have a day or two each month where we all collectively agreed to post about things we enjoy, love, appreciate, or celebrate. No rage farming, click baiting, or rants allowed. Just for one day." That would be nice! I might fail at this test, but it’s a good goal.
Just watched Biden’s statement on the shooting. Very good. He is the President and our Democratic nominee. To me, the debate about replacing him is over. The campaign is chaotic enough already. I still think he can win, but it’s going to be close, and it’s going to be work. 🇺🇸
Saying that Trump is a threat to democracy is not a call for violence. He caused January 6th. He refuses to accept the last election or the next one. He is chaos. Even after being shot, he’s shouting “fight” to the crowd. Everything he touches becomes more dangerous. Vote. 🇺🇸
Just posted a new Core Intuition: A Billion-Dollar Flop. We check in about the Vision Pro, then think about how Apple plays the long game and what we can learn about balancing marketing features vs. app polish.
Working on a couple different things, bouncing between them. One of those weeks where I can’t make up my mind what’s most important.
Joe Biden has always rambled, and it hurts him as he gets older. But here’s the deal. One candidate sounds confident but everything he says is nonsense. One candidate sounds mumbling but everything he says is correct. C’mon man! 🇺🇸
I’m going to watch Biden’s press conference in a couple hours. But I already know it won’t change anyone’s opinion unless Biden magically looks 10 years younger. Curious if reporters will try to ask any questions that aren’t about how old he is. NATO summit this week was kind of big news.
Insightful post by Jason Fried on “directional” decisions, the kind of decisions that are strategic and bring a lot of other smaller decisions along with them: "Make a directional decision and you’re now pointed this way or that way. Make...
Love these upcoming covers for A Song of Ice and Fire. I never finished reading past book 2 years ago and would like to pick up the series again.
I think I’m going to love this USA basketball team. Nice move swapping in Derrick White. 🏀
The latest Washington Post / ABC News poll has the race tied. Voters thought Biden was old before, they still think that. Biden or Harris, the election will be decided by swing voters and misinformation. Millions don’t know he is convicted, don’t know about Jean Carol, don’t know about Roe. 🇺🇸
Morning work at Cherrywood Coffeehouse. You know it’s old-school Austin because just saw what looked like a tiny baby scorpion crawling underneath the windowsill. Crept away, so hopefully I’m wrong or it doesn’t stick around. ☕️
Dave Winer replying to my post yesterday: "The way the twitter-alikes do discourse is not the only possible way, and imho, and, as I’ve said before (in 2007!), most of what passes for discourse on twitter is actually spam, and that goes ...
Looking at my tweets from 17 years ago, they often had no faves, no replies, and no retweets (which didn’t really exist yet). And it was fine. There was value even with very limited engagement, just as there is with blogging today.
Sad to see the TUAW archive taken over by… whatever that is. AI-slopified. Brings back a lot of memories, though, going back through the Wayback Machine. The interview of me at WWDC 2007 seems lost to time, into the void of wherever content went. Also a tweet from that week.
Ben Thompson on joining and then leaving the OpenAI board: "…joining the board of OpenAI emphasizes the narrative that Apple needs OpenAI, suggests that OpenAI is far more integral to Apple Intelligence than it actually is, and puts Apple in...
Ben Werdmuller, linking today to a story on Ghost federation: "I’m also convinced there’s room for another fediverse-compatible social network that handles both long and short-form content in a similar way to Substack’s articles and N...
Here’s a screenshot of the new Get Info window in the latest Mac app for, released today. Makes it possible to quickly grab the auto-generated text for uploaded photos on the Mac.
Exhausting day yesterday so I crashed early last night. Unfortunately a couple of our servers crashed too. 🙁 Looking into options to prevent this.
This political cartoon by Dave Whamond is so good. “C’mon man!”
I’m starting to accelerate my challenge to visit all 88 state parks in Texas. Had a few slow months and realized it would take four years to finish at that pace. Way too long. I think two years is about right.
@[email protected] I have some notes when planning a trip but the full list is just on a web page, that way I only have one list to maintain: [](
Lunch at LBJ State Park. Picked up a turkey melt sandwich from a food truck in Johnson City, Cast Iron Punk.