Danielle Rose Baker

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Danielle Rose Baker


Watercolor art, space artist, geology nerd. Cancer survivor. Likes gems, cats, spaceflight, Sailor Moon, Star Wars. Internet dinosaur. STS-133 NASA Tweetup alum. https://linktr.ee/manyfaceted
Sharing WE STILL LOVE YOU today because truly, I think New Horizons is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen humans do. I wish I knew who bought this piece, just to put a name down in my records! #SciArt #SpaceArt #watercolor
It’s true. It’s just that inspiring news doesn’t “sell”. Violence sells. Shock value sells. Division and drama. Failures. This is what’s wrong with our media btw.
Never forget: We do amazing things, we humans. All the damn time. It's just that 99.99% of them you never hear about them.
I’m a bit belated for Moon Landing Day, but it’s a subject dear to my heart! I love the way Alan Bean painted the Moon with more color and nuance than the photos, and I like to think I’ve drawn inspiration from that, in my lunar surfaces and starry skies. #SpaceArt #SciArt #watercolor #geology
It is July 23rd and YOU could be the first to take advantage of my 25% originals sale! (Sad, isn’t it.) There are paintings for as little as $41.25! Please support your friendly neighborhood space artist 💜🚀 drose.studio/product-cate...
Almost caught up on adventure paintings from April—a montage of the Beringer Winery in the Napa valley. Seen here is a view of the old winery building, and an abstract California Poppy I saw on the grounds. #watercolor #art
Skywriters, did I tell you I dropped off DUST OF OSIRIS to be framed last week? I AM SO EXCITED.
On the wall of my home office. My parents bought this newspaper July 21 1969. It passed on to me and I had it framed.
Watched ARRIVAL last night, a movie that never fails to hit like a thunderclap and stay in my thoughts for days. The idea of non-linear time, the questions it poses, the choices made. The scintillating moment I had in the theater when I realized she was remembering the future. What a great flick.
Worth thinking about how long Tolkien goes on in Return of the King about despair being a weapon, and presenting defeat as a forgone conclusion being a deliberate and effective tactic
For what it’s worth, I adoooooore it 😍🚀
Noooo, someone bought it just as I was checking out 😭😂
Another adventure painting from April—a montage of this amazing motel in Santa Rosa, The Astro. We had fresh oranges for breakfast from a tree outside, wandered through statuary in the garden, and admired the so-retro shower tiles. #watercolor #retro
Just a note that there’s still 15 days to take advantage of my best discount! Support your friendly neighborhood space artist, I deeply appreciate every purchase. 🥹
I want to announce my biggest art sale ever: 25% OFF ALL ORIGINALS for the month of July! Framed and unframed, big and small, and a few things not offered for sale before. Help me make some room on my walls! drose.studio/product-cate... #SpaceArt #SciArt #watercolor #painting
Sometimes we don’t have free time to read like we used to. And sometimes, once in a while, a show/movie IMPROVES on the material. My prime example: the characters in (NOT the number/length of) The Hobbit movies. The dwarves actually HAVE personalities. And Bilbo is likable, instead of… a shit.
While looking into this I found more than one instance (sadly several) of people being bummed out and someone kool-aid manning in with "just read the book it's better!! The series was bad!!" And first of all let people like things Second of all don't be That Guy Third, why are you like this
😍 tiny astronauts 😍🚀
Psst! Some fun new things just landed in my shop! Pass it on! xxyxxy.com/available/ #sculpture #astronaut #art #bsnm
This adventure painting is from April—a day we spent mining Polka Dot Agate outside Madras in central Oregon. Seen here is a slab of agate we mined, and a moody sunset over the Table Rocks we stopped to capture on our way home that night. #watercolor #geology #SciArt
This project gets more and more awesome! 😍
This one goes out to all you sample scientists—the Jade Rabbit is said to live in the Moon palace mixing the elixir of life for the gods, but here he studies the lunar surface instead. The crescent is a lunar thin section, a microscopic image of a thin slice of Moon rock. #SkyhorseCarousel #SciArt
ANYway I want to give a shoutout to @aimod.social Someone suggested it to me when it first hit Bsky and it really, really does make the difference. It's a labeler service. In Bsky words that means other people help report to this labeler, which labels AI content. You can choose to block outright!
I’ve been catching up on adventure paintings this week, so here’s one of the view from our campsite in Leslie Gulch over Memorial Day weekend—a rock we affectionately call the Jawa Crawler. #watercolor #SciArt #geology
Huzzah, it’s #PortfolioDay ! I’m Danielle and I’m obsessed with planets, spaceflight, landscapes, watercolor and ink. I share my passion for space and geology through my art! Also I have prints and originals available: drose.studio/shop/ Thanks for looking!
Finished! LOOSE LIDS STAIN SHIPS, 6x12”, watercolor and ink on cotton. A tribute to the IFT-3 test of @SpaceX Starship and Falcon Super Heavy on March 14, 2024. This piece (available NOW!) and many more are 25% OFF THROUGH JULY 31! drose.studio/product-cate... #SpaceArt #SciArt #watercolor
I want to announce my biggest art sale ever: 25% OFF ALL ORIGINALS for the month of July! Framed and unframed, big and small, and a few things not offered for sale before. Help me make some room on my walls! drose.studio/product-cate... #SpaceArt #SciArt #watercolor #painting
I was halfway through a treadmill session at the gym when an older man, walking by in front of me, caught my eye and gave me a solemn thumbs-up. I smiled at him and he went on his way. Dawned on me after, I was wearing my cancer walk shirt, in what I jokingly call “you had to earn it” purple. Oh.
So. I see some of you discussing #calligraphy and I wanted to let you know, if interested, I have some lovely professional ink to GIVE AWAY. A minty green and a cheerful periwinkle. These are permanent inks, NOT to be used in fountain pens. Comment if interested and I will yeet them to you via mail.
How my day is going. 😐😐😐