
If Donald Trump succeeds, there will be no justice for him. He will become the autocrat he promises to his supporters. The rule of law and democracy will be irreparably damaged. Trump is plotting his next crime. We must do everything we can to prevent it.
Donald Trump Is Plotting His Next From Marc | If Donald Trump succeeds, there will be no justice for him. He will become the autocrat he promises to his supporters.
I think we may err in focusing on Trump, who's mentally failing, incoherent and destined for prison, home confinement, or memory care. The real threat is the minions trying to make Trump's world domination and revenge fantasies come true. THEY need to be stopped and held accountable for sedition.
Just vote blue 💙 like the hell is coming after you. Because if you don't, the hell is coming after you for real.
if trump wins, all norms that make the US great will cease to exist. He can’t have told us any more clearly. His first term, a la 1984, will be taught as a thunderous success.
You forgot about 2000 when Bush stole an election. Even had mobs stop the count when it was looking bad for him.
Yep. A’ one-off this ruling applies only to w and Florida and can’t ever be used for anything else.’ A state where his brother was gov and the person in charge of the election was w’s election chairwoman. Then they delayed until there was no time for a recount. They’ll do the same thing for trump.
Please prepare for a Trump victory. Most Americans will just clam up and go along with the change into fascism as minorities, the disabled, homosexuals, intellectuals get slowly eliminated. Germany 1933 redux.