
don't let this lead you to despair, though! remember, the united states, even the continental states alone, is an infamously hard to control group of governments. this hurts progress, but also hinders the most draconic forms of fascism's oppression
just thinking about how (relatively) recent progressive wins alone aren't going to protect us from the fascism overtaking this government
the US war machine, in its armament and its propaganda, is more powerful than any other, but a population of several hundred million can't ever be truly subjugated if they refuse to cooperate with the state
above all, do not resign yourself to this. do not look at the tide of fascism and say "it can't be stopped, i may as well drown." that's what the fascists WANT you to say
the anathema of fascism is interpersonal cooperation. the antidote for the poison that is capitalism is community and solidarity. we need to help each other, without any expectation of profit or reward.
the despair of the progressive is the tool of the oppressor. resist in every way that you can. fight for humanity, fight for it in the face of cruel indifference.
remember always that despair is the cornerstone of conservatism, and conservatism is the foundation of oppression.
if you look at a system that prioritizes profit over people and say "it can't be changed, i may as well get mine and say 'screw you' to everyone else," you have taken the first step toward becoming a functionary of that system at best, and a proponent of it at worst.
What if over half of that population think that this is awesome and are totally on board?
even if you are the only person left on the planet who is against the system of oppression that controls the world, there is still hope. a 0.001% chance that the world might change is still more than zero. please be that chance if you can.
that said, i personally refuse to believe that every single one of those people truly believe in the murder and oppression facilitated by the system that they support. so many conservatives are what they are because they don't understand or WANT to understand that there is any other choice
If they don't want to understand that there is another choice, isn't that the same thing as wanting the choice?
yes. so i'm not saying it's our duty or even required of revolution for us to change their hearts, only that it's possible. and what's hope if not belief in possibility?