
Hello, any cross border creator here who moved from Canada to US? 🇺🇸🇨🇦I'm looking for, ideally, a cross border financial and tax advisory, or/and a accountant, or a good accountant rec in California, that can also understand the freelancer artist life. I just moved from Montreal to LA. Thanks!
I have a cross-border accountant I can recommend who's Ontario-based. Deals with a lot of freelance creative media professionals like myself. Alpesh Joshi at an org called KT Partners. Welcome to L.A.!
Oh, great! Thank you so much! Can I DM you to get the link and rate and maybe an introduction email?
For some reason, I don't have messaging on my phone app, but I do have it on desktop, so if you'd still like my accountant info, you can send me a message with your e-mail using the "Chat" function as I'm following you, and I'll send an e-mail back. :)
For sure, I can give you more details. I've never DM'd on here so I'm just figuring out where my mailbox is. :)
Oh, I see what you mean, I'll try to drop a line using desktop version.