Jose Marichal

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Jose Marichal

#politicalscience prof at California Lutheran University. Studies social media/AI/algorithms effect on democracy and policy. Democratic theorist or computational social scientist, depending on the day.
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NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
I guess this is good for Trump .. sedated, obviously reading from a prompt, Trump is a more reassuring figure to voters?
What would mass deportation look like? Trump wants to mobilize ICE agents along with the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, federal prosecutors, the National Guard, and even state and local law enforcement officers to carry out deportations"
Inside Trump's plans to deport millions from the History tells us such an effort would dramatically disrupt local communities and economies.
Ppl with more macro-economic savvy than me, what would a politicized Fed do to the markets/the economy? #econsky
Trump tells Bloomberg he would let Powell serve out his term “especially if I thought he was doing the right thing.” (The president’s ability to fire a Fed chair is contested.)
Trump On What He’d Do With Taxes, Tariffs, Jerome Powell and Bloomberg Businessweek sat down with the ex-president in Mar-a-Lago for an exclusive interview.
If nothing else comes from this horror show of an evening, I at least deactivated my Twitter account.
That O' Brien/ Teamster RNC speech broke my brain ... I should throw my political science PhD away, because I don't understand anything anymore
What am I watching here? Someone want to explain what the Teamsters pres hopes to gain with this RNC speech?
That Lester Holt/Biden interview was a disgrace.... Not one policy question in 20 minutes!!! No recognition that the role of a free press is to inform the public on what they need to make informed decisions in a democracy....Gross! #polisky
Now "move fast and break things" will extend to political institutions (accelerationism)
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
GOP going all-in on the "post-liberalism" agenda... the nation has become too secular and hence can't be trusted to self-govern.... the state needs to impose Christian values to restore American greatness.... no-fault divorce, no access to contraception, denial of care for trans ppl, etc. #polisky
At this point, anyone trying to convince you that "the institutions will hold" is just effing with you.
So are we topping of the night with a pitch invasion?
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If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
Dear editors waiting for overdue manuscripts....
I think today is the end of the Democratic " bithcing and belly aching" phase of the 2024 election. It's time to get to work!
Dems need a good answer for the border, so far, the Republicans have won the framing.
Went home to South Florida for a week and the perception that Venezuelan president Maduro released gang members from their prisons so they could cross the border was pervasive. Anecdotal, I know, but I don't think Dems realize how much the immigration issue is salient for voters #polisky
I think Biden did a good job, but my family is already tired of me whispering "no one is saying that"
He's got a Clint Eastwood, "Get off my lawn" vibe... that's not necessarily bad.
Is anything going to matter to the news media after "Vice President Trump"?
Two things can be true re: Biden -- the media is out of control with the "gaffes" narrative and for whatever reason seems to want to drive him out and there's is a legitimate "there, there" about his ability to both make an effective case for his re-election and to govern in the future. #polisky
If Dems run on "Republicans want to get rid of football on Sundays".. it'll be a 50 state landslide. #polisky
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
"in more than a dozen areas, including New York, the Bay Area, Boston, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Miami, and Chicago, just one new home is getting built for every 20-plus jobs created" and we're beginning to re-criminalize homelessness this is one of the biggest ethical failings of our age #polisky
The U.S. Needs More Housing Than Almost Anyone Can For Americans to live a productive, prosperous, happy life, homes need to be truly abundant.