
Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years, with most of the deaths involving firearms. Most gun deaths in America are self-inflicted, yet suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
She’s Fighting to Save America’s ‘Last Best Place’ From Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years. Most of the deaths involved firearms. But suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
The gun crazies always ignore this issue— and right on cue they start crawling out of the woodwork in the responses to this. A good portion of them incredibly also claim to be “pro-life”—although clearly not nearly as nuch as they are pro-gun
You don't solve depression by making sure people can't kill themselves. Try something else.
Reducing access to popular means of suicide reduces suicide. There is empirical data from both the UK and Australia demonstrating this.
You do know that a gun is harder to obtain than the ledge of a skyscraper or a bridge, or a traintrack. People who really don't feel like living anymore find the most ridiculous inventions to kill themselves, of which some harmful to those around them.
Some will find other means but the data shows many do not. Suicide in the UK peaked in the 60s and declined dramatically after they switched from coal gas to natural gas, which meant people lost access to an easy source of carbon monoxide. It has never been as high since.