
the conventional wisdom has long been that even though most people are more likely to become homeless than to become a millionaire, they still vote for policies that favor the rich because they believe one day they could be the rich people. trump has taken this one step further.
people will vote for trump because even though they’re much more likely to benefit from one of the social welfare programs he wants to gut, they think they could one day be an unrepentant asshole who tells lies without consequences and runs the world.
Trump didn't stand a chance against the #TaxTheRich #NoMoreWar #MedicareForAll guy, so a majority of Americans aren't aspirational billionaires.
This is bizarre -- you can be an unrepentant asshole NOW, and Trump makes it LESS likely that most people will get to rule the world-- but that doesn't mean you're wrong.
"I'm not the one rich guy *now* - but maybe someday I will be! And I sure don't want to pay high taxes then!"
That certainly covers at least half of them, while 'deplorables' still covers them all. 😂🤣
Avatar They admire and think they could one day be just like orange Biff, yea. Classically wasn’t it that they were temporarily displaced (multi-) millionaires, so bought into the fairy tales?