
Avatar is about as close to an absolute good as humanity has ever created, and if we allow it to die, it will permanently damage all of human culture. I don’t believe that is an exaggeration to say. It would make the loss of the library of Alexandria look like a misplaced receipt.
I agree about Internet Archive, but I have to be that annoying person that points out the current historical understanding it that the decline of the library of Alexandria wasn't really a devastating loss, and its collection might have very well been copied in other libraries by the time it happened
The popular focus on the library of Alexandria as a cultural touchstone is itself an interesting topic because we can trace it to specific events, e.g. Carl Sagan making a big deal out of it, you can literally see the mentions to it exploding in the literature after his popular show
Copying of ancient and medieval texts was quite less glamorous and more complicated than "everything is centralized in one place and things are lost forever if the one place is gone"