
INT. FBI Headquarters Agent 1: We got a hit on a guy looking up weapons of mass destruction. SAC: Hit the database and pull his search history *clicking* Agent 1: It says here he was also looking for "domesticated cat breeds" and a "chocolate silk pie recipe" SAC: That's an author, let them go
Heck, i’m just a mild mannered engineer and I once googled “front toward enemy” to figure out what I had just seen on TV. Husband: “tell me you had the VPN on and were in incognito mode” Me: 🙄 “because people planning to use Claymore mines don’t know that?”
Or an editor. • nuclear bomb blast radius* • how to kill somebody instantly with no external evidence of trauma • was there an Italian embassy in Northern Ireland 1960s • do baby platypuses have teeth** • difference clotted v Devon cream ——————- *Oh, look! An interactive map! **Yes
Don’t leave me hanging, was there an Italian embassy - not a consulate? - there in the 1960s, or
There is currently an Honorary Italian Consulate (I have Covid and don’t have the energy to check if it’s capitalized) in Belfast. I emailed them to ask when they first had one. Maybe not in the 1960s.
I have since established that two points the characters walk quickly to are five hours apart.
Also, back to my risk of potential FBI interest, I ascertained that a pipe bomb would not do what he wants it to do and that his character would die as written, and he’s not supposed to. YouTube videos will be cited in the dev edit report.
Please understand—this book is AMAZING. His writing is breathtaking. He still needed me.
Hope you recover well and easily. I’ve heard resting is one of the more important things one can do (perhaps after Paxlovid if done timely)