
🧪⚒️The Bozdagh Guzdek mud volcano in Azerbaijan erupted for ~9 minutes at ~2am local time on the 13th of May 2024. The Bozdagh Guzdek mud volcano is located approximately 20km west of Baku. The eruption was recorded on instruments only as far as I can tell.
Bozdagh-Guzdak (also spelt Bozdağ-Güzdək or Bozdag Gyuzdek), which means South Bozdagh, is ~300m high and is approximately 3km in diameter at its base.
Bozdag Gyuzdek has had numerous large eruptions, with eruptions recorded in 1839, 1867, 1902, 1969, 1986, 1988, 1995, 2003, 2009, 2013, 2014 and 2019! Here we can see the result of the most recent small eruption in 2019, by comparing images from August 2018 (left) and July 2019 (right).
The summit crater has a low rim around the edge with the summit then filled with successive layers from the many effusive eruptions. Summit crater photo from Komatsu et al 2020
The middle of the crater contains a large number of small mud gryphons, which can be seen slowly but continuously erupting mud in many of the satellite images. However, these get buried during the large eruption events.
The eruptions have formed what I call a 'stack of pancakes' - multiple thick mud breccia layers sitting one on top of the other. If you look at this MV in GoogleEarth, you can scroll back in time and remove the 4 most recent ‘mud pies’ from the 2009, 2013, 2014 & 2019 eruptions.
A recent paper by Odonne et al 2020 looks at three flat topped mud volcanoes in detail, including Bozdagh Guzdak. This includes drone mapping, such as pictured here, and resistivity surveys over the crater mud flows.
Odonne et al (2020) have also done more detailed mapping of the ‘mud pies’ from the 2013 and 2014 eruptions of Bozdagh Guzdak.