Martin John

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Martin John

Tl’azt’enne Writer. Speculative fiction (horror). He/Him
Working on Indigenous horror novels.
This script-70k plus one moment, minus the next, then over the next. This is going to be the last quick edit of this for a while. Hopefully I end up with a full-sized novel.
It's a good sign if reading one of my scenes makes me anxious, right? Good job, sir. Two points for you.
First two pages of this book are stunning. Didn't know I could write like that.
Watched Cronenberg's Spider last night. Not my favourite of his films. 4/10
This sounds beautiful.
I hit upon this really fun thing recently, where I brew a concentrated cup of a high-quality tea, and then top it up with ice and soda water – instant fizzy iced tea, doesn’t need sugar or a sweetener.
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Indie books are not always able to make it to the summer Big Bookstore preorders, because team size and other limiting factors mean they can't have the books finalised and locked in for retail sales a whole 2-3 seasons ahead. Preorder indie books from their publishers!
Haunted residential school.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: pop punk fake dating disaster tour
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Allow me to reintroduce myself. Kwanza Osajyefo, the creator and author of the critically acclaimed comic book BLACK, the premise of which is What If Only Black People Had Superpowers, and the sequel WHITE, about how the US reacts to only Black people having superpowers.
I just want to live in a world without American politics for a couple weeks. Signed, a Canadian.
When you make a huge fucking mistake in something you say in a work of fiction--something based on fact--but catch it.
One day, I'll retire from all this to write the most magnificent trash you've ever laid eyes on.
We are aiming for as close to the final project from the start as we can get from this book forward.
Sometimes books start as sketches and you have to craft them into fine art. Which is why, from now on, I'm sticking to a strict schedule of outlining before I write. Crafting is fucking hard once you've already written the thing. Erasing large chunks of text. Rewriting. No thanks.
Sometimes books start as sketches and you have to craft them into fine art. Which is why, from now on, I'm sticking to a strict schedule of outlining before I write. Crafting is fucking hard once you've already written the thing. Erasing large chunks of text. Rewriting. No thanks.
I have never done this, but I condone it. My first comics project was a five year, twelve issue, superhero epic. It broke me. After I was finished it took me years to pay back the money I had borrowed from my visa to finish it (I only wrote it).
Stage whisper: start small. Do a couple of one page comics. See if you even like making comics and also see how it feels to make them. It’ll help you to understand how the art form works when in your hands. The sense of accomplishment from *finishing* small works will energize you.
Okay, I said I was finished this edit, but I've been fucking around with the ending ever since I said I was done. It is working a bit better now. All the t's crossed and i's dotted.
Watched eXistenZ last night. Watch it and tell me it isn't Inception a decade before Inception. Also, all-in-all a pretty good film.
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Reposted byAvatar Martin John
Reposted byAvatar Martin John
Over the years, I’ve learned to enjoy art styles. Think Darwyn Cooke, or Richard Corben, Sean Phillips. I’ve learned to enjoy artists whose work has ‘life’ to it. To me. When I look at AI, and I’m not joking, I see flat, dead art. The human condition is not there.
Horror or thinly veiled metaphor. For this book, thinly veiled metaphor. I wouldn't call my prose clumsy, but I definitely have a point of view.
The one sad thing about liking graphic novels--is that they're often out of print--so, if you want an older one--you gots to pay up.
Reposted byAvatar Martin John
Happy to announce the new annex will be open in time for tomorrow's signing. However, getting it to that stage has WIPED OUT the store's bank account. We're only $1,700 away from goal. If you can donate $5, $10, or $20 today, it'll alleviate my current panic attack.
Vortex Books & Comics Expansion, organized by Brian Thanks to the support of our customers, creatives, and the community, things have been so … Brian Keene needs your support for Vortex Books & Comics Expansion
Reading the first couple pages of the latest edit. I'm enjoying it. Huh. Lookit that.
Reposted byAvatar Martin John
AND THATS JUST THE FIRST COUPLE OF CHAPTERS. 'bury your gays' is out now
Over the years, I’ve learned to enjoy art styles. Think Darwyn Cooke, or Richard Corben, Sean Phillips. I’ve learned to enjoy artists whose work has ‘life’ to it. To me. When I look at AI, and I’m not joking, I see flat, dead art. The human condition is not there.