Monica S.

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Monica S.

mad. (studies)
disabled. (invisible)
anarchism. (matrix of oppression)
over educated.
U.S. based.

i laugh at my own jokes
everything is political

writing is fun.
reading is fun.
love learning.
No vehicles at the gas station, lights were a dim glow. “Keep going,” she said. I drove for awhile then asked, “Where am I going?” She said, “you will know the turn when you see it.” I kept driving. #writing #WritingCommunity #author #microstory #author #MadWriter #MadStudies #LivingMad
The suitcase could hold more; but I wanted to travel light. I took off. I didn’t have my phone, I didn’t need the GPS. I had the GPS in my head. #writing #WritingCommunity #author #FlashFiction #microstory #author #MadWriter #MadStudies #LivingMad
“This is strange,” I said. “Where are they if they are waiting for me?” “They fell asleep waiting,” she said, “go inside.” One suitcase in each hand I opened the door. Looked around. #writing #author #FlashFiction #microstory #MadWriter #MadStudies #LivingMad
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