
I have personally encountered people who voted for Trump in 2016 and then got too grossed out to do it again in 2020. They really do exist.
yeah people act like it's 100% the cult but there are soft trump supporters who actually don't like that he's a criminal scumbag and because our system is stupid it doesn't take all that many of those to stay home to swing it
Oh absolutely, I gave birth to one of them. He expected a shrewd businessman and was extremely disappointed. Then you have my mom, who voted for him twice, but after J6 was "he lost, why isn't he accepting it" hope she dislikes him enough now (as she says she does) to not vote for him yet again.
Having to drive across town after a full day of work to take the envelope with her mail-in vote in it to the county BOE mailbox was... something. She didn't say who the vote was for but I knew. The thought that I was spending my entire evening on that made me want to take up hard drugs right then.