God's Math Pattern

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God's Math Pattern


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Showing proof of God and His math pattern of the Heavens and Earth, linking the holy mountains, holy sites, geological landmarks of all people and the world.
See all pages at : Mathematical-Signs-Of-God.com
Chaco Canyon pictograph and Old Jerusalem Temple Mount positioned with Dome of the Rock at southern hemisphere math center, north at top as in map. Hemisphere star map cued-up to the geometrical date of the winter solstice, views from the north and south poles. Year 2000 A.D. Nation Geographic map
Chaco Canyon pictograph geometry overlayed onto Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, page 3 of several
Chaco Canyon and it's famous pictograph is on the 36 degree line from the holy mountain mathematical center. The geometry of the pictograph has two 36 degree angles and an 18 degree angle. This also reflect the 72 degree alignment of the Dome of the Rock and the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem.
Page 1 of : Chaco Canyon pictograph and the footprint of the Temple Mount perfect fit. Chaco pictograph's geometry on Jerusalem, and it's exact match to holy sites. Note the 180 to Dome of the Rock and the Church built over the site where Jesus taught the disciples the " Our Father" prayer.
Detail of the 36 degree line from the holy mountain mathematical center in the "Four Corners" region to Chaco Canyon and Pueblo Bonito. Note the unique "Omega"-shaped kiva on the 36 degree and the 12.5 degree of the structure's geometry. Note the fallen boulders from the cliff are positioned.
The 36 degree line from the holy mountain math center to Chaco Canyon's Pueblo Bonito and it's geometric architecture based on God's math pattern. Note the line enters the structure's perimeter at the 12.5 degree, same angle sequence as Jesus's holy sites and the Southern Cross constellation.
Bluesky is looking like a bust. See God's math pattern of the Heavens and Earth at twitter: @God's Math Pattern
Detail showing the 36 degree line from holy mountain math center to the north-most mesa of Chaco Canyon, at the 90 degree north/south orientated cliff where the Chaco pictograph is. Note the surrounding geological features at mathematical positions to the 36 line and the cliff intersect.
Showing the 36 degree SE line from the holy mountain mathematical center to famous Chaco Canyon. Note the entire geography of the area parallels the line. Also, the 36 00' 00" N longitude line passes through here just south of Chaco ( line not shown ).
Famous Chaco Canyon pictograph and it's geometric precise design unveiled when viewed from an angle where the "star" picto is at a perfect circle. Note raised grain of rock at star's center. The cliff this pictograph is on is on the 36 degree from the holy mountain center ( see previous pages).
It's a sad thing to witness, AAS Nova. There even appears to be spite involved, which furthers the debasement of our science institutions and yourselves. Do you think all viewers are laughing along with you ? Or, maybe, there are people who see the ignorance and spite of this conduct and take note.
God's math pattern seen in the statistical strangeness of Zipf's Law. Wikipedia graph of world languages, charting from the most used words on down, and the results are always along a 45 degree angle. This pattern even shows-up in dolphin language graphs. This page highlights the Hebrew language.
Equatorial Projection Star Map, co-ordinate grid at square, showing the highlighted constellations with their own intelligent math designs are also aligned in this big area map. Note the Southern Cross at center, on the 12.5 hour line, same math as seen it's own star-layout. Note Coma Berencies
Page 3: The Southern Crescent/ Corona Australis. Showing European Space Agency map of the Milky Way Galaxy with the arrow-shaped dark nebula cloud (hiding infant stars) at center line. This constellation is connected to an ancient Australian Aboriginal Tribe story and a meteor impact crater...
Page 2: The Southern Crescent, also known around the world as Corona Australis, The Baby's Cradle, The Tent, The Circle of Elders, The Tortoise, Bowl of Food for the Poor...all descriptions of protecting something. Detail of the tip of the arrow shaped nebula that is a star incubator.
Page 1: The story of the Southern Crescent/ Corona Australis and it's 90 degree right triangle of stars and the tip of the arrow-shaped dark nebulous material, which is a birthplace and incubator of stars This constellation is associated with a meteor (possibly a comet) impact crater in Australia...
Proving God is working right now. The recent Hunga Tonga eruption, and the island it obliterated, exactly on the 42.5 degree ( or, 47.5 from the side) from the mathematical center of the Holy Mountains in the Four Corners region. Note the smoking caldera, before eruption, is right on the line.
Mercator projection star map, showing the stars of the famous constellations currently positioned at intelligent and communicable angles that also display arithmetic in their design.
How about this ? Do you need a " scientist" to tell you that this is true ?
Do you need a "scientist" to tell you that this is true ?
Showing that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Ebeneezer Baptist Church is centered on the mathematical 15 degree line connecting the tear-drop of Stone Mountain and the tear-drop lake of Moundville, Alabama
Showing the 15 degree from the tear-shaped pool at the top of Stone Mountain to the tear-drop lake of Moundville, Alabama, located on the 33 00' 00" N parallel. This 15 degree line also passes directly over the center of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.
God's tear-drop symbolism seen in the infamous Stone Mountain and surrounding topography. Note the tear-drop shape of the mountain created in the reflection on the water when viewed from the lake. This mountain has become infamous for it's large base-relief carving of Civil War Confederate generals.
Showing the 25 degree line from the Peak of Holy Mount Sinai, from the eastern facing of the Greek Orthodox Chapel, to famous geological site of Sigiriya, Sri Lamka. Note the face-like appearance when viewed from above. Site is also famous for it's water gardens.
The 25 degree line from the peak of Holy Mount Sinai goes to the south-end of the geological feature of Sigiriya. The 45 degree from it's center goes to the NW corner of The Imperial Palace in Beijing. God arranged this to be.
The intelligent design positions of the geological landmarks of Sigiriya, in Sri Lanka, once a holy site for monks that was later turned into a fortress. Note the 90 and 20 degree math in the locations of the two unique geological features. Note the face-like appearance of Sigiriya from above.
I suspect " Bluesky" is book-banning my post that show proof of God and His math pattern connecting all peoples with Jesus The Messiah at it's center.
Showing the 25 degree align of the Giza pyramid 45/90 triangle and the Sina wilderness mountain arrow and it's edges defined by where the rocky mountains meet the light sands, through the goal post of this soccer field at the edge of the Giza Plateau.