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Goddess of Spring and Apple Blossom Maid | pomologist, poetess, princess, Otherworldly cider hall waitress, and your friendly apple maiden 🍎 [she/her/hers] | warded by my beloved Dana 💍💖
Inside Out 2 had a running gag about ethnomusicologists like me and it made the film for me. 😍
The man at the dispensary called me "honey" like seven times, it was pretty nice. Dispensary workers are the nicest of all retailers. Maybe they get paid decently and don't hate their jobs. I imagine that contributes!
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My first house. I lived her as a single mother two. No power, no phone, no reticulated water or wastewater treatment. This house was built of found materials - demolition sites, car importers, everything on the smell of an oily rag. I walked away in the late 1980s. She was my healing sanctuary.
My most libertarian opinion is that I should be able to buy a piece of land in the Massachusetts mountains and stick a lavvo there (a traditional Finnic semi-permanent tent-house) and live there without the government telling me that I need to build an expensive house up to modern code.
The last time I played MtG was the Fifth Edition and Ice Age expansions. Someone explain why they got rid of banding, if the rumors I heard 15 years ago are true. 😤
im the worst kind of mtg girlfriend, out of the game far too long to discuss any recent formats, but can and will offer pedantic corrections like "you mean land which produces red mana, not red land, lands dont have colour"
My family is taking me out for my birthday today (it was a while ago, but Dana and I were away at the time), and they want to take me to the cinema. And now everyone's annoyed that I want to see Inside Out 2. DON'T LET THE LADY WHO WATCHES DISNEY PRINCESS FILMS CHOOSE THE MOVIE, THEN!
I would survive the Hellraiser version of hell easily because I'd just be prude and kinkshame everyone there. The Cenobites would throw me out pretty quickly.
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Here's my present, live from the garden.
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Happy anniversary to the most adorable couple! ❤️
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Hearing about apples from you always makes my day!
We must all celebrate the successful apple maidenry of Daria!
3 of the 4 new apple saplings in my yard have fruit that seems likely to make it to maturity. It is a small happiness 😅
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Also Chloe says congratulations!
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Seeing this comment, immediately thinking of , only to discover its in reply to
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If everybody would only be talking about how to grow apples, we would have solved a lot of problems, immediately. So, please, go ahead and lead us to a better future.
One year anniversary of our courtship! 💖👸🏻💞👸🏼💖 I love you so very much, my dearest Dana!
I'm trying to figure out what language the builders outside are speaking. They're installing new gutters today, and I can hear them calling back and forth. I'm guessing it's Armenian. It sounds pretty cool, dēgōmes.
I'm reading the room, and I feel like this is a bad time for my posts. I don't know if talking about apple arboriculture is going to cheer anyone up this time.
The gutters on my house are being replaced, and there were none installed last night while we had a huge thunderstorm here. So I guess this is why there are gutters: the erosion from a single storm is wild.
Dana: Can you unwrap me from your hair, please? Me: 🎶Long hair, don't care, you're going nowhere.🎶 Dana: *chuckles*
As long as rogue goddesses stop stealing my Golden Apples and causing a fuss, I'm ok with people doing this.
I’m sparking 10 years of war in Anatolia by tossing a chewtoy labeled “For the Goodest Girl” into a room of puppygirls.
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Take time to consider Chloe today
According to Wikipedia's list of what constitutes a superhero film, it's a toss up for me between The Princess Bride, The Super Mario Bros. Movie (1993), Red Sonja, and Highlander. If it has to be a DC or Marvel property, then I'd say either Constantine or Teen Titans Go! to the Movies.
name your fav superhero film.
Someone who believes in "gang stalking" conspiracy theories left a fake ACLU notice on my car today.
I think plant names are good for people, but it's a vastly underutilized resource. Sure, lots of people are called Rose, Violet, Fern, Jasmine, Lily, Daisy, and Heather. But what about Birch? Oak? Maple? Sumac? I want to meet someone named Dandelion or Hemlock or Larch.
I went to a doctor's appointment this morning and the Irish nurse told me that I reminded her of her time in a Catholic school because of the way I dress, and then she busted out into an Irish (Gaelic) song. It was so precious, I suddenly forgave her for making me urinate in a cup.
I called my father an Episcopalian today and he stuck up his nose and harumphed and said, "No, I'm an *Anglican*." Well excuuuuuuuse me.
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Happy international nonbinary people’s day I am enough + you are enough
I used to go to a Republican church: St. Patrick's in Rutland, Massachusetts. It was DEFINITELY full of Irish Republicans, mamma used to tell me with a smile and a wink.