Matt B

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Matt B

Union Propagandist

Follow the Class War feed for class war skeets
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If I was a seagull I’d live in a castle too.
If I was a seagull I’d live in a castle too.
Reposted byAvatar Matt B
My friend has been documenting a swan cygnet near his house and omg it's entered looking like an old man stage 🥺🥺 🪶
Do you ever think about how safe staffing levels would have basically thwarted basically any zombie outbreak? No one is dropping vials or contaminated materials if they're well-rested with adequate support staff.
In 1923, Bertolt Brecht dreamed of a radio system that would be a "vast network of pipes" and democratize communication. 100 years later, we have a series of tubes that people use to make themselves angry and say increasingly unhinged things!
164 years ago, Christian abolitionist, John Brown led a raid to take over the US arsenal at Harpers Ferry. His goal was to use the arms there to kick off a slave rebellion.
BREAKING: I’m transitioning to a new job with the Royal College of Nursing soon. It’s cool to move from the labor movement to the labour movement. Either way, I’m happy to be fighting and posting for the workers.
I think it's unfair that going on a little walk will make you feel better and give you all kinds of ideas, but when you get home, you're too tired and busy to do any of it.
Reposted byAvatar Matt B
Thinking of the awful Meta Ray-Bans, I'm reminded of something my PhD director said, basically, the struggle against surveillance is already lost, and what's at stake isn't control, but the threat of constant embarrassment and that's just what we have to deal with now.
Thinking of the awful Meta Ray-Bans, I'm reminded of something my PhD director said, basically, the struggle against surveillance is already lost, and what's at stake isn't control, but the threat of constant embarrassment and that's just what we have to deal with now.
It is tragic that After Effects is still the easiest way to make a video with an audio waveform. Bonkers.
Graphic design is my passion.
Insisting that the UK govt will use the funds from expanded fossil fuel production to fund net zero is absolutely delusional.
It is wild that every kid knows what skibidi toilet is. We literally moved across the planet to a different country, and kids here still know what this is.
Ok, school support workers are on strike in Scotland, yet my son’s teacher has sent homework to do. That seems awfully close to crossing a picket line.
It’s wild that the best Pokémon game of all time is Bug Snacks.
Bosses will complain about "time theft", but what did they spend the last 146 days doing?
It’s rained for like 48 hours straight, but now it’s beautiful. Out here touching grass.
We’re so back.
The stand for my Rode mic broke, and I thought buying this different stand would solve my problem, but it didn't. So, now I have to get an after-market replacement stand. Every time I have a microphone problem, it's like this. Someone should make a mic that doesn't break.
The donkey's are digging holes in the desert and the scientists studying them are calling them "ass holes." A beautiful moment in the history of science.
Good luck to the 300 Scottish 20-something’s pre-gaming on the train today at 2pm.
Folks, it’s Lego time.
You could make a killing if you started selling seashells down here by the seashore.
The stand for my Rode mic broke, and I thought buying this different stand would solve my problem, but it didn't. So, now I have to get an after-market replacement stand. Every time I have a microphone problem, it's like this. Someone should make a mic that doesn't break.
Just checking in on this app for the first time in weeks and this one did numbers.
Time to crack open a cold one with the boys.
Reposted byAvatar Matt B
Great piece from It's always hilarious to me that pieces about sabotage garner such volatile "how dare you"s from many of our readers. They insist that it could never fit the frame of nonviolence, even though they celebrate Berrigans et. al. Matt helpfully points this out.
The Christian Radical Who Believed Creation Care Meant Sabotaging The U.S. labeled Jessica Reznieck a terrorist for trying to slow down the planet's death march toward extinction.
What if instead of having insufferable Christian theology bros, we had insufferable Christian solidarity bros? From Tissa Balasuriya's Planetary Theology.
This article I wrote about the history of ghost hunting and the philosophy of technology is getting republished in a book. I am extremely pleased that this essay is my biggest contribution to my academic niche.
Out supporting the RMT in Glasgow this morning.
Will you eat the beanzza?