
Assemble the wine moms and the cringe libs because they're really really really good at this (complimentary)
Like this is where Karen energy is needed. You need to be on that “can I speak to your manager” shit. Act like you’ve been double charged for your salad and need a refund.
It’s taken decades to form the guts that it takes to speak with the manager… Barely possible now, as I turn 50… confrontation is hecka hard
I understand. You don't have to do that if you're uncomfortable! You can use your voice in supportive or non confrontational ways or help elevate the voices of others ❤️ you have unique gifts that you alone can use
Oh no… I have to, and I will… and I have… I just have to gird my loins or whatever that phrase is… It’s got to be done
That's really awesome of you -- it's so hard to push past that feeling. I am getting it here and there too as I get older, I am becoming averse to confrontation (but then I get mad at some racist all over again)
Saying you are “averse to confrontation” reads like something you would use to let others know you were being held hostage.
No! I really don't like it! I find it humiliating and painful! I just know that if I'm not yelling publicly at people who need to be yelled at publicly no one else will be the first to do it
I am 5'3" and skinny and nearly fifty (!!!) with no money and bad health insurance. I don't want to be getting into nasty Nazi faces and telling them they're shitstains! But it works and for some reason not many others do it so I have to so they won't harm still more people without consequences
I have told off people for being shitheads in public but it always makes my partner mad at me, especially when we travel in the US as a gay couple. He feels unsafe and doesn’t want me to draw attention, which I get and yet *don’t* so I always feel I’m holding back for his sake and not helping enough
That makes sense. Well I do it so you don't have to make your partner feel unsafe ❤️❤️
I appreciate it (and am still picking my battles 😉) 💜
I understand; my teens feel the same way; they’re worried I’ll be shot at by some loony with a gun It is really REALLY worrisome… I am so sorry 😣 People are jerks though… like walking into a farmers market and throwing down your cigarette; me (to Frenchman!): PICK THAT UP!! He did…
I find that as a short, non-threatening female, I’m able to enter areas where others cannot When the psycho neighbor was choking the amazon delivery lady Or the dad going after kids with a baseball bat, after they threw unripe persimmons at his house
YES that and then when you get in their faces without fear they're so shocked
I didn’t say you like it, but your past history indicates you are good at it. I, sadly, am not.
I’m so burned out. Need to solve that first
It has seriously taken me DECADES I couldn’t even make phone calls when I was a kid, and it was hard as a teen; or to interact with anyone - adult esp. Was virtually impossible I wanted to flee
I have gone the other way. I used to be filled with piss and vinegar and now…
I'm with you. I hate this but I do it.
Some of us were raised… to follow rules and “be good” - ie 1/2 the worlds population - everyone who identifies as a woman/girl I was told long ago by a jerk male prof: “don’t make waves” Fvck you, prof