Matt Grossmann

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Matt Grossmann

Michigan State political scientist & @ippsr Director; @hookedlansing Co-owner; Also: @niskanencenter @fivethirtyeight; New book: How Social Science Got Better
policy changes are more likely to reflect preferences of the educated as well as the rich, across 43 countries. Educational inequalities are larger & concentrated in cultural issues, producing a bias toward cosmopolitan socio-cultural policy
The economic and cultural dimensions of unequal policy . Many scholars have argued that policymaking in Western democracies is biased toward high-income citizens, thereby violating fundamental ideals of politic
Even if Dems do well in 2024, they are unlikely to have a trifecta with a committed majority willing to play reform hardball for many years. The constraints established by the Supreme Court are likely to stand, limiting liberal policymaking & empowering Republican presidents.
Even if Trump was on pace to win pre-debate (& even if another Dem would have done ~same), the accepted narrative of a Trump win is likely to be that Dems blew it by renominating Biden. Voters might not remember the debate, but it will stick out as an off ramp Dems didn't take.
The debate & after-debate coverage are also likely to further diminish interest in a campaign that was already depressing & uninteresting to many Americans, possibly further reducing viewership for the conventions & any 2nd debate.
Anti-corporate rhetorical moves of Republicans under Trump are real, enabled by changes in business & among voters. They have sometimes been backed up with real bills/policy. But traditional tax & regulatory party agendas, often with more $ implications, are ~intact & polarizing.
The conservative legal movement was part of the Republican establishment brought in earliest to Trump. It made peace near completely & has been rewarded with quick generational advances, not just for social activists but also for economic conservatives & their own long-term power
The scholarly backlash against "White Rural Rage" has stimulated a conscious popularization of rural studies in political science & a recognition that scholars from rural areas bring distinct perspectives:
How ‘Rural Studies’ Is Thinking About the What’s the matter with America’s rural voters? Many scholars believe that the question itself is the problem.
With conservative control of Supreme Court projected for decades & no reason to expect Dem Senate dominance soon, will be substantial constraints on liberal policymaking even under Dem presidents. Constrained Biden agenda & Trump COVID agenda may be liberal high points for years
Although strong presidential performance typically helps for downballot races, the personal specificity of voters' Biden concerns may enable some Dems to separate their personal images. And independent of actual performance, voter expectations that Trump would win would help Dems
Despite everything, Twitter is still where narratives congeal across media, activists, & politicos, quickly & with the ability to influence other media. Last night, it was within minutes of the debate start. Bluesky & threads are not close to real-time alternatives to its role.
Weakening of administrative deference & the major questions doctrine will likely combine to severely limit unilateral policy actions of (especially Democratic) presidents, setting the threat & expectation that any significant liberal admin policy change will be overturned
Debates can matter, usually by stimulating clear media narrative that even those who did not watch it hear clearly. Liberal media & commentariat are not at all mirror images of conservative side, including having more ties to neutrality & self-criticism Candidate traits matter
Public opinion moved thermostatically in favor of immigration under Trump & against it under Biden. But opinions on race moved leftward under Trump but held steady under Biden, in part because salience of race has declined dramatically since 2020
Pushed and Pulled: How Attitudes About Race and Immigration are Settling and Shifting After In this report, we investigate how Americans’ attitudes about race and immigration evolved over Trump’s presidency and in the first three years of Biden’s term.
Public debate expectations are higher for Trump, which may make the bar easier to reach for Biden (though they could also make commentators or voters more attentive to Biden mistakes or slowness):
More Voters Expect a Strong Debate for Trump Than for Biden, Poll A New York Times/Siena College poll shows Republicans with greater enthusiasm for their candidate.
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The newest episode of The Odd Years Podcast with Amy Walter (of the Cook Political Report & PBS) features a fun conversation with and me about our forthcoming book Polarized by Degrees. It's available via podcast apps or this link:
The Odd Years Listen and follow:
higher levels of US aid especially for military financing and education are associated with a higher likelihood of anti-American terrorism in aid-receiving countries
I talked to Amy Walter with Dave Hopkins about our forthcoming book, Polarized by Degrees: How the Diploma Divide & the Culture War Transformed American Politics: We got to talk about global trends, racial politics, social media, Trump, & The Simpsons:
‎The Odd Years: Season 2, Episode 4: How The Diploma Divide Is Reshaping American Politics on Apple ‎Show The Odd Years, Ep Season 2, Episode 4: How The Diploma Divide Is Reshaping American Politics - Jun 25, 2024
I would like to come up with a survey experiment to test "solution aversion" on climate change views but compare it against a "coalition aversion" alternative, where Americans change views due to the political side & affiliated groups associated with belief in a large problem.
With close Presidential, Senate, & House races & key rising politicians--plus a productive Democratic trifecta under pressure--the Lansing, Michigan area is central to national politics:
The Future of Michigan Politics Depends on a City You Probably Never Think There’s a new locus of power in the state.
English-speaking countries' publics are more troubled by high interest rates because they rely on debt much more for housing, cars, education, & health care; countries with larger welfare states are less affected
Why Americans hate inflation — and its Other countries have social safety nets. The US has debt.
Prior price increases still have negative influences on consumer sentiment; multiple years of high inflation likely have a large cumulative negative effect
Digesting The impact of inflation on consumer sentiment decays at a rate of about 50 percent per year