
Couple things. First, the Democratic nominee for POTUS is going to be the current POTUS. Joe Biden. If it isn't Joe Biden, then it will be the current VP, Kamala Harris. And the thing is, the clown discussion of other names? They're really not stronger...
The only way Biden isn't the nominee is if dies, becomes incapacitated, or resigns. And then-President Harris becomes the Democratic nominee.
I am *an incredibly minor* (I really cannot overemphasize how minor) player in the party. And even from the outer circle I occupy, this is all just incredibly obvious. The media (tonight its NBC news) is writing speculative fiction with "unnamed sources" giving blind quotes that they're getting
for all we know, from the dogsitter of the deputy undersecretary for fucking around.
It was me. I'm "Senior Democratic Party Officials".
i would buy that. you could totally pull that off via your twitter identity
Marion also left the window open when she put the Lindbergh baby down for his nap, gave Judy Garland those sleeping pills, and did the most recent annual inspection on JFK Jr's plane.