
If Biden has unique weaknesses not shared by other Democrats they aren’t showing up in polls. Only Harris polls roughly even with him. An open convention is a terrible idea
Harris has a chance if she is the incumbent and gets an incumbent bump. No one else does, it looks like
This poll leans into my bias that mysogynoir activates more conservative voters than boring white guy. I don’t think there’s a balancing activation on the other side.
I would've been in favor of swapping in Harris fast, without much debate about it The window for that is closing or has closed imho. The NYT pushing for it against the Dem party won't do much good, and they should give up soon or it'll only do damage.
With how that probably leave the VP slot open and how integral the VP is for wierd ceremony thing i don't know how good of an idea that is. No way are the republicans allowing another VP to be sworn in before . It'll be Mike Johnson
The others are not campaigning or sitting president. Some of the alternatives polled are not even slightly interested. People like when politicians show interest.
I will believe that's why their own numbers are low - I don't think it explains why Trump's number is basically always the same
I think a blind poll of essentially name recognition means nothing. How can their “poll” numbers reflect anything when they are not out speaking to the public. If someone is not interested that’s one thing but let’s do an open call or pass to Harris and let her show some “fight” to rally folks
Except in every case, roughly the same number of people vote for Trump - right about 46%