Matt Stoller

Matt Stoller

I just want him to know that people notice his passive aggressive seething on the liberal TruthSocial.
This is not the column of someone who cares about politics. You're clearly bored. And why wouldn't you be? I feel for you.
Yes, they did actually praise Biden for what he did, because they are focused on substance.
You do in fact have a reputation outside of social media.
"begging you to blah blah" is such a cliche. Can't you try and put a little effort in your writing?
You would be correct on both counts.
Bouie has no obligation to write about anything except what tickles his fancy, like recent movies or cereal. My point is that he's asking people to care about something he clearly didn't care about.
Bouie called me an idiot because he's lost his power to dominate discourse. I feel bad for him because he clearly finds politics boring, but his ambition dominates him so thoroughly he can't actually pursue his real passions.
You didn't write a single column defending the withdrawal as it was happening. If you don't care, why should anyone else?
Ladies and gentlemen, the New York Times oped page!
Elon Musk is clearly masking a change he wants to make by being totally unreasonable. He’ll eventually back off slightly and people will think he’s listened. That and he doesn’t want to pay bills because he likes money.
Question for historians. When did the GOP stop celebrating John Brown? He was an iconic party figure until at least 1912.
Reposted by Matt Stoller
Musk spent $44 billion to buy Twitter and then tried to save money by laying off half the staff, including engineers responsible for maintaining site infrastructure. Like buying a Ferrari and trying to save money by skipping oil changes.
Reposted by Matt Stoller
A recent attempted takedown of 'deliverism' uses Democratic initiatives like the ACA to illustrate that delivering on policies doesn't equal more voters. and argue that the ACA never delivered, so it can’t be used as a test case.
Moving Past Neoliberalism Is a Policy In order to test whether improving people’s lives can convince them to support Democrats, you have to, well, improve people’s lives.
And today we have the 67th attack on Lina Khan from the WSJ editorial page. They are obsessed, and it’s creepy.
End of feed.