A Matt in Wyandotte MI

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A Matt in Wyandotte MI


Trying perhaps too hard to be funny
Seriously, how many years - months? - into your future is this conversation.... "I sometimes almost forget somebody came so close to killing Trump that the bullet hit his ear." Friend: "Ummm, what? WTF are you talking about?"
I think Trump's initial supposed reaction to insist we reunite the country, or whatever, will give way to the belief that his survival was a sign that now more than ever, it's important that he carry out his plans yadda yadda yadda... and nothing changes.
I checked in, and my notifications said 30+ and I thought "Oh no". Thankfully, it was a glitch and it just highlighted all my notifications from the past couple weeks.
I've read hardly anything about Trump's near miss. But one thing I did see said a cop approached the gunman, who pointed his assault rifle at the cop to make him take cover, and then took the shots at Trump. It just struck me that we've built a gun culture where just about anybody can do this.
I hosted a family thing yesterday at my house, and was very busy. My brother told me about Trump at about 9:00. One or two inches and I would have been completely ignorant of the world being in upheaval.
When I'm retired, I'm fairly convinced I'll leave the country for, like, three months before elections. If we still do those.
This woman who does the read for this Tovala commercial is terrible. She reads colloquialisms like she's never heard them before.
What are the chances SCOTUS finds, by means I have no clue about to be sure, the Democrats' nominee at the convention is invalid (or whatever the hell they would claim)?
Good effort, Tigers. I think Maeda would be released if they had a ready replacement.
I apologize to Ms. Thandiwe Newton. I only scored on one of her Cinematrix categories today, and even that one was what Natalie and I call a "basic bitch" answer (the one everyone knows). In my defense, I knew she was in Gridlock'd with Tupac and Tim Roth but that didn't fit in either category.
Saw an article about Trump's sentencing next week and boy, would it be nice if the judge was willing to go all in and send him to prison. Or at least try.
My dogs don't get scared from the fireworks. It's more like they're calling the people setting them off assholes.
Win or lose, and I'm dead serious, the Democrats should set out to rewrite the Constitution like the right set their sights on fixing the courts or abortion.
The Democratic Party has no good options because they opted to give the public no good options. This is a disaster of their own making and no one has a magic fix for the catastrophe they’ve created. That Trump could be so well positioned is an unthinkable failure of politics.
Oh, and I had forgotten what Alabama hot feels like. All weekend, every time someone walked outside, they seemed to almost involuntarily go "unh."
This SCOTUS shitshow causes questions that defy logic to me. Like, They're homeless. The shelter is full. They have to sleep. WTF do you expect them to do? OR How could Trump's hush money trial acts be "official" when they predate his presidency?
I took a break from social media to go down to Alabama for my dad's post mortem "Celebration of Life". I was aware of SCOTUS's bullshit and Biden's fumbling of the debate, but I had to come back to make sure I maintained the proper level of outrage.
Amazon prime subtitles are using quotation marks in place of apostrophes and it's making me crazy.
Tigers working on a nominee for worst game of the year
Every time someone reacts skeptically to me having today off, I say "it's the legitimate independence day!"
Today is going to be brutal. I was weeding the landscaping in the shade when it was only 85⁰ and the shorts and t-shirt I'm wearing are soaked. It's expected to go up another 10⁰.
How does Curb Your Enthusiasm decide who gets to play themselves? I mean, Elizabeth Shue is a decently big name, right?
Dan Petry says 400% too much about everything that happens
C'mon Jesus, act like you have been there before.
The Resurrection of Christ, by Paolo Veronese, 1570
My dad died Thursday. And for years, people told me if I didn't mend our relationship, I'd regret it. People told me if the next time I went to Alabama, it was for his funeral, I'd regret it. I always wanted to tell them they should hold their advice for when they knew what they were talking about
The way we obsess over movies' box office earnings is fucking weird. I don't give a shit if Inside Out 2 is bailing out Pixar. What's more, I can't imagine why I would.
So just sweep Atlanta and we're back to .500. Easy peasy.