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Short and nerdy (Marvel comics, Star Wars especially). He/him.

English boy but one of the rare cut ones over here.

DMs definitely open.

Linktree with my onlyfans, redbubble, Amazon wishlist or PayPal to tip me:
Was gonna try and build my new cabinet but instantly realised the first step needs a power drill. Which I a) don’t have, and b) wouldn’t trust myself with. So I’ll wait for my dad to be free to help me next week 😅
One thing I do like about this place (compared to the hellsite) is the lack of spoilers. You’re all just thirsty instead.
And your fave superhero film Love this movie. The increased focus on Gwen in this one is great.
I really enjoy these
Hate that feeling like if you’d made different decisions earlier in life if things would be better now… As it stands going to be 34 soon. Don’t really like my job, struggle to get by some months, finding it hard to get anything else. Also my health stuff making it hard to be motivated to do ANYTHING
Hump for the hump god
Sexually Suggestive
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Read somewhere baths are good for kidney stones so likely having even more than usual. Thankfully it’s still British summer here, aka it’s not even warm.
“You know, the part that gets me, though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little.”
Appointment was really pointless, especially as the walk back has been super uncomfortable. Basically the urologist knew less than I did and just the main thing of it was him telling me they’d book a CT scan for 2 weeks (when my current treatment course ends). Which they’d already told me.
At hospital for a check up and this kidney stone feels close to coming out today so really having fun 🙃
At hospital for a check up and this kidney stone feels close to coming out today so really having fun 🙃
Mostly 3, though I think a few are more like 4. Also growing my jock straps. Only really go 9 if it’s warm and then commando in jogging shorts at home.
90% of the time it's a 9. But when I do, I only own a few 3s and a 5. I need more undies.
Monochrome Monday
Had a family day and mostly just exhausted. Smaller family outing tomorrow (just my mum and niece). Hopefully will leave with some energy left.
If you see this, post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, post a picture from your device without explaining it.
No time to deal with the lil guy
Damn I miss 2017 Matty 😅
Started on Delicious in Dungeon
Age (33) and a recent pic
Age (46) and a recent pic
Merge two films Star Trek Wars: A New Voyage Home
Merge two films Call Me by Your Name, Mary Poppins
Is anyone else finding Bluesky only shows like 3 posts often and you have to quit the app and reopen it to see more?