Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC

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Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC

The Daily Show, Roy Wood Jr.'s 2023 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Trevor Noah's 2022 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Hardball on MSNBC
Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist
The news media has explicitly endorsed the legitimacy of the Big Lie across every single outlet
A news network that endorses the legitimacy of election deniers is not a news network
Uequivocally grotesque for a news network to interview this deranged monster
Shouldn't be any surprise at this point but the Sunday shows blanketed the air with election deniers this morning for their last broadcasts before the debate. There has not been a single consequence for any election denier and there never will be
The first guest on every Sunday show today was an election denier The news media has not just allowed but fully embraced Republicans' position that the 2020 election was not definitively won by Biden
You can and should judge a news organization on how openly anti-transparent its spokespeople are especially when they insist on not being open enough to use their name
(3 days after trump shoots a protester in the head and smears the blood on his face) did the president tell any zingers today sir
The AP deleted this 10 seconds after posting probably the most debasing thing a news organization has posted in 8 years
It is journalistic malpractice to put a microphone in front of this repulsive and mendacious zealot but Republicans in the news media push it nearly every day
Marjorie Taylor Greene: The Jews control everything. George Floyd deserved to die. Every immigrant should be deported. Joe Biden is a pedophile. News media: We got a firebrand here
Publishing this headline as if the Republican Party acted in good faith, quoting Mike Johnson as if he’s an honest official and not someone who tried to overturn the 2020 election, and printing the false idea that Biden is targeting Trump with the DOJ as if it’s a normal “claim” is explicit GOP bias
This specific kind of homophobic hate that’s triggered solely by the sight of a pride flag on the other side of a lake is exactly the kind of reveal that should make you comfortable spitting in this fascist’s food if you get the chance
CBS News and Margaret Brennan again gives their Sunday show platform to an election denier to help promote a fascist agenda
Trying to figure out why I haven't seen this story covered on CNN today
The worst thing about this is that the mic is being held by NBC News treating her like a person who deserves to have an amplified platform
The news media topped every Sunday news show yesterday with a Republican brought on to lie about the reason Trump was found guilty
(the republican nominee drives a tank over a child) this election comes down to which candidate the voters think is a bigger threat to driving tanks over children
Me when I shoot an arrow at Farosh’s fang and it falls into a chasm
I am the bluesky god and will take care of you until you are old and your hair is gray. I made you and will care for you; I will give you help and rescue you
Women will literally try to overturn an election rather than go to therapy
The rule of the news media is that journalists are not allowed to state their own opinions with the following exceptions: - sports teams good vs bad - restaurants good vs bad - Die Hard is or is not a Christmas movie - Israel is good
brian kilmeade announcing he will be fucking a tank this memorial day
UH OH: Mom and dad found your JC Penney swimsuit catalog