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I was feeling left out of all the aurora pics
I just don't know how New York elected a cop mayor and wound up with a corrupt and incompetent shit-for-brains with contempt for every part of governance outside of force and punishment. It just doesn't add up!
Breaking News: The FBI is examining free flight upgrades it believes Mayor Eric Adams of New York got from Turkish Airlines, people with knowledge of the matter say.
F.B.I. Examining Free Airfare Upgrades Received by Federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents are scrutinizing international flights taken by Mayor Eric Adams of New York aboard Turkey’s national air carrier, Turkish Airlines.
I guess I should post about movies occasionally - really liked Late Night with the Devil as a movie about dueling hypnotists and it had some cool imagery, but the use of AI is so minimal that it's shocking that they wouldn't just pay an artist to make it. 0 stars (stop using AI, pay artists)
i can’t wait for the ai bubble to burst
Just got my Bluesky invite yesterday and this is really working out for me.
All I really want from a social network is a feed full of Good and Funny Posts when some asshole dies
End of feed.