Matt R

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Matt R

Area man
Avatar Do you think the Lincoln Project really knows how to convert Republican voters? I find them amusing but it seems like their whole deal is trolling Trump rather than actually trying to move the needle...
Avatar When the economy is good, crime goes down
Avatar At least JD Vance will lock up the overly online right wing weirdo demographic for Trump
Avatar I know ticket splitting isn't supposed to be a thing anymore, but could you see people who are grudgingly voting for Trump voting D in congressional taxes as a check? I just don't know how else to explain an 11 point difference between Biden and Baldwin...
Avatar I haven't seen the Republican platform yet but I'm not voting for Trump unless it's in all capitals
Avatar SiriusXM doesn't spring for dinner when you have to do debate coverage? Where are my subscription dollars going?
Did Rep Cammack forget that we were in the midst of a global pandemic 4 years ago?
Avatar Is remember Harris being seen as a pretty safe and smart pick at the time?
Avatar I take the Biden replacement talk about as seriously as the Michelle Obama talk
Avatar To me the lesson of 2016 is that national polling is pretty useless in predicting a winner since they were only off by like 1 point but if course it's not a national popular election
Avatar Seems wild that immigration would be an issue Chicago, it was in the news when they first came but I haven't heard a peep about it in a couple months and it's not like our streets are overrun with immigrants
Avatar Biden is actually leading now in Michigan and Wisconsin according to the 538 averages
Avatar I am definitely watching the debates but I have no interest in watching more than the highlights of the conventions
Avatar I fully plan on being completely oblivious that there is a convention happening when it comes to Chicago
Avatar I see plenty of "no Trumpers!" on bumble, and I don't think I could date a Republican woman
Avatar I still think Trump endorsed Hogan because he wants him to lose
Avatar Olivier clearly deserves center square
Avatar Popeye's is far superior to Chick-fil-A
Avatar What exactly is the value add for the public for not stopped about Biden being old though? We all know he's old and that he's not going to get younger, were not exactly learning new information here...
Avatar Someone already probably chimed in but Bill Barr was the third AG
Avatar Good thing Congress finally came up with a bipartisan agreement on AI just in time for all of us to realize that AI is actually just garbage
Avatar Love your justified contempt of the American electorate
Avatar I feel like you have to be REALLY far down the rabbit hole to even follow what Rand is talking about
Avatar That was his kid mugging behind him, don't Google how he met his wife unless you want to be creeped out
Avatar I'm sure you like nitpicky corrections, so the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been around since 1975
Avatar You seriously thought a Republican that intended to run for elected office again was suddenly going to grow a spine? That's adorable.
Avatar That quote definitely pre-dates Lincoln
Avatar God forbid Ron John has to mingle with his unwashed constituents at the RNC
Avatar As a resident of Chicago, I would be shocked if people go all the way out to the United Center to protest, it's in the middle of nowhere, is expect stuff to happen downtown where everyone will be staying