
This is my stepdaughter showing one of the many injuries she has suffered from a tonic clonic seizure on an advert for epilepsy awareness. 1/
What to do if you witness someone having a seizure: -Only move them if they're in danger -Cushion their head if they're on the ground -Loosen any tight clothing around their neck, such as a collar or tie, -Turn them on to their side -Stay with them and talk to them calmly until they recover 2/
-Note the time the seizure starts and finishes. This is very important as if the seizure lasts longer than 5/10minutes, you should call an ambulance. 3/
Many people aren’t aware that if you hold down the top volume button & the lock button together on an iPhone it brings up ‘Medical ID’. If this has been set up by the person who is in danger. It states what medication they’re on, their emergency contact and any medical conditions. 4/
There are roughly 50 million people in the world suffering from epilepsy. An estimated 125,000 people die each year from epilepsy. We need to raise far more awareness for epilepsy as well as hidden disabilities. Please share ❤️ End
Shared to a US politics blog at which I'm a writer, though many people there do not have BlueSky accounts. It is really difficult sometimes to get through with how common epilepsy actually is, and dispel the numerous assumptions about it.
Thank you 😊. Indeed. Even in the medical profession!
It's in my self-interest, as I can't tell a person "do this" or "don't do that" if I'm struck by a seizure.
Fi, I’m sorry your daughter has to live with this and exceptionally sorry she suffers so much from a tonic clonic seizure! Sending you all lots of hugs. (My son also has epilepsy and also has tonic clonic seizures.)
Thank you - both girls have it. It’s a constant worry but she is so amazing (had a seizure at work and asked to see the CCTV so she understood what it looked like). Returning those hugs to you lovely. x
Thank you for raising awareness. 🙏 My teenage son suffers from tonic clonic seizures. At one point he had one every week almost like clockwork. Exhausting for him and all around him. Fortunately his new meds have reduced the occurrence to one seizure in the last three months. 🤞
I will keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻
Sending you good vibes and the strongest wishes for success with this medication! And I hope he's coping all right - it's so hard to be a teen with epilepsy. 💜
Thank you. He's doing OK. He's also autistic, super bright (Trig functions in year 6 at school), dyspraxia and so non verbal. So many challenges for one kid to overcome. 🥺
Life. Thank you ❤️