
The audacity is amazing, but not surprising. "A Republican member on a panel about gerrymandering at Miami University-Hamilton was met with outrage — expressed through boos and Q&A statements — as he defended Ohio’s current legislative maps."
Republican claims ‘dark money’ in League of Women Voters at gerrymandering A Republican member on a panel about gerrymandering at Miami University-Hamilton was met with outrage — expressed through boos and Q&A statements — as he defended Ohio’s current legislative maps. Roug...
Poor Dr. Forren just having to sit there and listen to this asshole.
I do know that if I was in the crowd I would have stood up at one point and said "Are you seriously fucking kidding me? You should be ashamed of yourself" and then be escorted out of the building.
That they can sit there with a straight face while they say it is perhaps the most surprising. When your "facts" are easily disproven to your face, and in this case, were by the LWV rep, but you persist......well
Exactly. And they get away with it with (almost) no repercussions. For now.