Matt Walker

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Matt Walker

Yes, *that* Matt Walker.
They say he’s got the magic touch
Bookstore employee 1: Does Garcia Marquez go under G or M? Bookstore employee 2: Is it hyphenated? B.E. 1: No. B.E. 2: Then it’s M. B.E. 1: Thank you. Overhearing this and not doing anything about it is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
Totality. Wabash River, Terre Haute, IN
Bring back marble busts of writers. (Laurence Sterne and Mary Shelley.)
But I’ve only seen about 16 of these
How many years should you spend trying to get a book published before you just give up on the idea altogether
Trying to name my top 10 favorite novels, I could only think of 7. (Shows you what kind of recall I have.) Weirdly, some of my top 10 favorite novelists don’t have any books I would list among my top 10 favorite novels.
Not a bad month for movies, only one real clunker. Best was probably Songs from the Second Floor. But I got the most pure pleasure out of Alan Partridge (which I could have sworn I hadn’t seen before, though I kept recognizing scenes…maybe I was remembering the trailer…)
Great. In other words, the world gains a nebulous scatter of… something, and NYC loses a really cool museum, no doubt to be replaced by condos or some bullshit store. “Museum without walls” makes as much sense as a sandwich without bread.
Saturday night in Chelsea a fancy SUV slows down as I’m walking past. The driver beckons me over, says he has a question. Figure he wants directions. I can tell he’s a chauffeur, he’s got a passenger in the back. “I am from Dubai…” he says, then something I can’t make out.
Tonight I had the pleasant surprise to discover an apparently independent movie theater in Queens. Kew Gardens Cinema, a real neighborhood theater. And just $12 tickets! Recommended if you’re in Kew Gardens and want to see a movie.
End of feed.