
Rapid melt of snowcover on Eagle Island Ice Cap, Antarctica from 2-27-2024 to 3-8-2024 drive by high temperatures. what does the Antarctic Today melt map show for this area?
Hi Dr Pelto! Given the small-ish area of the Eagle Island ice cap (~21 km²), unfortunately Antarctica Today can’t resolve it unambiguously in the passive microwave at 25 km horizontal resolution (625 km² grid cells). But it has DEFINITELY picked up the giant heat wave over the 🇦🇶 Peninsula lately.
Fri March 8, 2024: 🇦🇶 Antarctica Today Surface melt with a 1-day lag ❄️💦 📷s: Daily extent, sum, anomaly, & seasonal line plot. Measurements derived from DMSP-F18 SSMIS. Images & post are auto-generated. ©2024 Dr. Mike MacFerrin, Univ. Colorado, and the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) 🧪⚒️
Gonna plop this one in the science 🧪 and geoscience ⚒️ feeds.