
With Millions Suffering, Long COVID is Devastating the Economy Over 15 million American adults — about 1 in 17 — are currently living with long COVID. While some have tried to claim that long COVID is gradually getting better, there’s not much evidence to suggest that’s the case.
With Millions Suffering, Long COVID is Devastating the Economy - Over 15 million American adults — about 1 in 17 — are currently living with long COVID, according to the CDC. While some have tried to claim that long COVID is gradually getting better, there’s not mu...
Laut einer Harvard-Berechnung belaufen sich die Kosten von Long-Covid in den USA auf 3,7 Billionen USD. Das entspricht 17% des 🇺🇸 BIP von 2019. Wenn schon nicht No-COVID, dann zumindest Low-Covid. Alles andere ist irrational. Wir haben die Instrumente.
Has Trump already been sued for this?