
support doesn't have to be money! things like: - commenting - dropping a like - re-sharing -quoting all of these are free, and the moderation filters work (: if you're feeling generous, following for free on our pages (even if you never check them) helps too.
I really wish people understood how losing engagement places like bsky really hurts sex workers. I do have a full time job but SW helps me out since I don't make enough from that job alone. There are plenty of other SWers here who do SW full time!!!! Please support us, thx. 🖤🧡
anyway! support your local internet hottie & yell at people who talk shit about us, thank youuuuu
I knew that reposting or quoting would help but I wasn't aware that liking or commenting made posts more visible here on Bsky?
commenting means it shows up to people who follow you. liking doesn't add visibility but it helps us feel seen. more of a morale thing here lol