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Menagerie of pets, gaggle of kids, in love with the spouse, IT three-nager, she/her, trying to figure out how this brain works still, still proud of myself.

Brows the Canada Goose was my special wild friend
Feeling judged rn
Ahhhh! I got a job. And it’s back in the education side of my resume. I’m so freaking excited. Still an hr process and I’ll start next month? But I’m thrilled.
My eldest got to feel the baby kick finally! 🥰
Kier is my special boy. He doesn’t like the other cats seeing him being snuggly or affectionate, but when he has privacy he is so loving. 💕
My sweet puppy snuggled me off and on all night. 🥰 woke up to him laying his head on the tummy a few times. He was nervous about the fireworks, but I couldn’t tell if I was being protected or looking for protection.
Getting a LOT done this week that has been hanging over me for a while. The older daughter is coming back from her dads next week (she’s been gone for 3). Feeling really positive today. 💕
Ah! Another interview this Friday. Different position. More in line with my last job’s actual description, so less nerves about what even to expect.
I can feel the baby a lot this week and while that’s wonderful… he is being very wiggly while I’m already having trouble falling asleep. It is not helping the situation.
So I got a callback from that interview. On the one hand they had a more qualified applicant, so I didn’t get that position. On the other, they specifically told me to apply for another position because they thought the interview was great and they want me on the team. So rolling the dice again lol
For such a huggable dog… Ivy always looks dubious at best when hugs are happening.
Kiri has been grumpy about Kosovo since he got put in his place as a kitten. Now that Kosovo is elderly and senile, he mostly keeps his cool, but the feelings are plain lol.
Reposted byAvatar MBChafin
A friend is brainstorming animal mascots for a project on academic literature search. I’m making an impassioned case for the acorn woodpecker: ✅ good at finding tasty things ✅ great at caching treats for later ✅ may need to reconsider their filing system ✅ maybe questioning their life choices
Now that the kids know… my baby is a boy (pending whatever they inform us in like a decade lol). Doc says so far he’s a big boy for how far along he is. He’s very wiggly in a way that feels like protest when there’s a seatbelt present. Lol
Im so excited I get to see our kiddos tonight. It’s been longer than anticipated. The nature of a big blended family, the two visitation schedules sometimes don’t line up very well and the last couple visits were to the grandparents w/o me, (cause puppies/scheduling issues).
Interview went really well. There were no moments that after the fact I’m like “I shouldn’t have said that.” They told me 20 minutes and stayed on for 40. I got past initial nerves and felt personable and capable of responses that weren’t pre-planned. All in all, feeling positive.
Interview Wednesday. Wish me luck.
Baby was super sleepy for pictures today. 💕 @transistance.us
Interview Wednesday. Wish me luck.
Halfway through this pregnancy. I’ve been really happy that it’s gone smoothly so far. I get to feel baby kicks pretty consistently now and the big anatomy scan is coming up in the next couple weeks. I can’t wait to see baby again. The first scan was so early and tiny
Cote is so sleepy this morning. And sweet ol man Kosovo is loving on him.
Uhg! I almost got the squirrel with the shaking head. Like actually had it in a net, but muscle memory from bug hunting messed me up. I flipped the net to “close” it, but a squirrel is not a bug y’all. He made it up the tree again. He did come eat some peanut butter and nibbled a banana at least.
Enjoying this years squirrels
This lil guy is out of reach but not walking/climbing normally. His head is shaking badly when he moves. Wish me luck at winning some trust over the next few days so we can get him to a rehabber. Really worried. :’(
Finally finished the diagnostic process and the suspicion of autism is now a real diagnosis. And I have a handy list of recommendations for accommodations that might help. Would’ve been handy before I lost my job, but at least I’ve got it for the next job. Yay!
I always needed a human voice to wake me up… alarm clocks just didn’t break through. My kids inherited this trait. Now I have to keep poking at em from 6am (for the younger) through 8am (for the elder). I cannot wait for the school year to end. Omg
Oh my cute lil derpskies
Stress and insomnia. Rad. The anxiety pills are doing nothing so I’m just giving up and starting the day now.
Missed it night one, but I managed to bring the girls out to catch night 2.
It’s alive but it’s butt is MIA