
Yikes, coming out has reached a new low… Yes, I’m talking about former Seattle police chief Adrian Diaz coming out as gay while facing sexual harassment charges by female cops. The worst part is how his teary interview humanizes the deadly role of police chief. Get ready for the gays to embrace him.
“Come out when you’re ready,” Adrian Diaz says in this right-wing talk radio interview, yikes, I hope no one ever says that again. Coming out for cops: get a clean record of violence behind you first, rise to the top, and then, maybe, if it might help on your next job interview…
He even says, “Just because you’re a gay man doesn’t mean you can’t be a misogynist.” WOW “No one comes out just to come out” WHAT’S THE OTHER REASON “Everything we do is about relationships. We have to build those connections, we have to understand humanity and kindness.” ABOLITION NOW.