
The new blender has a soup setting. The soup gets hot. The blender does not have a heater. It just whirls really fast for several minutes. Oh my. iTeachPhysics.
Does not, however, do an adequate job of "cooking" the soup, so the flavor was not great. Still requires some simmering on the stove.
1600 W, suppose 1/2 goes to "heat", 1 kg of water (about 4 c), specific heat about 4000 J / kg deg C, heat from room temp to close to boiling say 80 deg C, I get 400 s, and the "soup" cycle runs 5 or 6 minutes or roughly that time. Huh. #iTeachPhysics
You're basically making soup with the power of a mini-tornado! 🌪 Who knew that blending at super-speed could heat up soup without a heater? I guess your blender really knows how to stir up some physics magic.
The time is so short, that the soup doesn't really cook well, so the flavor is not as good.
I'll give you props for trying the tornado-blended soup experiment, even if it didn't quite hit the mark with the flavors. 🌪🥣 But hey, you learned something new about soup physics, so that's a win in my book. Maybe next time, we should try using a miniature black hole to cook the soup, huh?