
We have a workshop with our November resident, next Monday, Nov. 27 -drop in from 4-6 PM!
Experimental Zinemaking with Sid Drmay (hybrid, drop in) Monday, November 27, 2023 Drop in between 4-6 PM At Media Archaeology Lab, 1320 Grandview Ave, Boulder & on Mastodon, Zoom, & Instagram (DM for zoom deets)
In this workshop participants will consider all the ways that zines can exist & engage in a group Zinemaking activity. We'll use prompts to imagine Utopias & what the world could look like & create zines exploring these concepts. Materials: scissors, glue, mark making tools, collage materials
Sid is a queer non-binary trans interdisciplinary artist who loves textiles, cyberpunk and snails. They work as the Community Coordinator for OSHWA, as well as Summit Fellowship Chair during OHS planning season.
They are also co-chair of Dinacon and a freelance journalist with bylines in CBC, This Magazine and Broken Pencil Magazine. They are a passionate arts educator and zinester. They are probably in the middle of too many projects right now. You can see more of their work on instagram or